Android 12L includes specific features for folders and tabletas and others that reach all types of devices. Here you have two unknown but very interesting features.

Android 12L is the new version of Google plus’s operating system. This is the first incremental release Google plus has released in years, as it did the same thing in 2017 Android 8.1 Oreo.
The new version comes with the goal Improving the experience on large screen devices and foldable teléfonos inteligentesthanks to an interfaz adapted to this type of device and new tools that allow developers to improve their aplicaciones for this type of device.
But in addition to the improvements in this sense Android 12L also includes other features that could be overlooked and that we wanted to check it out.
New quick wallpaper picker and option to open split screen notifications
The changes were recognized by Mishaal Rahman Y posted on reddit. The first relates to a New selection menu for background images that appears when you long-press an empty spot on the home screen. Along with the widget, settings and wallpaper options, there will be one Gallery with some of the most recently used backgroundsoffer the opportunity to quickly select one of them.
This is the new wallpaper picker for Android 12L.
This function is integrated in the version of the Starter Estándar AOSP in Android 12L and is currently not available in previous versions of the system.
On the other hand, it was found that Android 12L will include a new feature aimed at improving multitasking. As cánido be seen in the vídeo below these lines, the new version of the system will allow this Open aplicaciones in multi-window mode from the notification. It will be enough for that Drag from the display to half of the screen.
The feature in question is called “Notify Subject” and was last able to be manually enabled construction Android 12L released by Google plus. Those who want to get started and check out what’s new cánido do so through the official Android emulator included with Android Studio.