Your screen or 5G emplees a lot of battery. Find out why it’s important to save energy.
If we have a terminal with MIUI we know straight away that the battery saver mode is one of the better functionalities and more optimized that Xiaomi brings to its teléfonos inteligentes.
Thanks to the battery saving mode, the terminal is responsible not only for limiting application connections, but also for setting some other functions Help the battery last as long as possible. We’re going to explain why we should keep the battery saver mode on while we’re not using the terminal.
Why has the MIUI battery saver mode been activated?
If we don’t use the very bulky terminal, that’s it to be good at action battery saving mode. It will help the screen not consume as much battery, applications not consume too much power, and there will not be as many notifications.
1. The screen and its adaptive refresh rate
If we don’t have a móvil with the ability to have an adaptive refresh rate, we have a problem, since we always are We will limit ourselves to manual changes the renewal rate.
Even if we have a mobile phone with this adjustable refresh rate, we do not always need a high refresh rate when reading or viewing correos electrónicos. This functionality is not habitual be as efficient as possible.
If we’re looking for efficiency, we strongly recommend that it be the highest refresh rate manually and enable battery saver mode. In our Xiaomi, the battery saver mode limits the refresh rate to 60 Hz, which helps to consume less. If we disconnect it, it reverts to the highest refresh rate.
2. Limit ads on screen
With our busy everyday life we cánido be many ads on the screen. If by default we were always on the display, activating the battery saver mode limits this functionality, allowing us to focus on what we are doing. avoid distractions.
Limiting what is displayed on the screen helps avoid the anxiety of sometimes looking at the terminal displays. It’s better in the long run Controlling the ads we receive Let’s control ads.
3. Turn off power-hungry services and features
It may be wrong but to reactivate the 5G, syncing our account and the elevator the functions that consume the most battery in our Xiaomi. Our account sync features are constantly checking for changes to sync the content.
If we want to avoid anxiety in this regard, activating the battery saver mode will allow us to control when we need 5G or these features, thus increasing battery life. As a consejo, you perro turn off battery screen savers in special moments to sync the device during the day or wait for the night to upload the photos to the cloud.
4. Clear cache when device is locked
Another positive aspect of leaving the screensaver battery connected to the terminal is the possibility clear the cache if it is locked. Thanks to this functionality we ensure that our phone always works properly.
If a cache is kept very full, our device will slow down over time. while cleaning, we free up the device memoryAvoiding errors in the system.
5. Active background aplicaciones and limit their activity
Save battery, it helps background aplicaciones without battery drain so much. As with syncing our account, system applications try to check notifications or invoke various scheduled functions from time to time.
By freezing background aplicaciones, we managed to prevent those aplicaciones from doing so Battery is constantly being discharged. If we want to synchronize the device, we simply disable the function or wait for it to load so that all applications are synchronized.
There is no golden rule that our devices must always have the economy mode connected, but it is a great help for the end device. By enabling this mode, we help to use less battery and extend battery life in the future it will improve in our terminals. It’s up to you to keep the connection mode or leave it disabled.