In this message, Pavel Durov emphasizes that despite the flood of new users, Telegram continues to function normally.
Because of the recent fall into the world the world’s most habitual instant messaging aplicaciónWhatsApp, more than 70 million users, joined its closest competitor Telegram.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov used this fact to send a message to WhatsApp: “At Telegram, unlike others, we won’t let you down”.
Telegram emplees the case of WhatsApp to remind users of the benefits of its platform
Pavel Durov after posting a message on his official channel on Telegram reminding users of your platform more independent and reliable than its main competitor WhatsApp:
“I’d like to say this to new users: welcome to Telegram, the largest independent messaging platform. We won’t let you down when others do.”
In this news, the founder of Telegram highlights that his instant messaging application, despite the influx of new users in a day It worked without any problems all over the worldsince, as confirmed by Pavel Durov, some users on the American continent cánido experience slow down the aplicación due to the massive influx of millions of users at the same time.
In this message, Pavel Durov also encourages current users of his platform to tell their friends. all the advantages that Telegram has over the competition to keep them there permanently and therefore leave WhatsApp:
“Make sure they stay close and see why Telegram is light years ahead of the competition.”
This is just the latest installment of the well-known rivalry between Telegram and WhatsApp, in which Pavel Durov seizes every opportunity Charge against his closest contrincante and reminding users of the benefits of their platform and the “dangers” of WhatsApp.