The end of Google plus Play Music already has a date. Get ready to cast your music to YouTube Music.
take farewell Google plus play music, because the date of his death is already written. Google plus already dropped it, but only now has it been confirmed when will it be unavailable Music platform Google plus Play.
The announcement comes a few months after Google plus itself encouraged existing Play Music users to move their music there youtube musicthe next leading platform for Play Music.
Google plus play music they gradually disappear. Starting in August, it will no longer be possible to purchase new music from Play Music, and the tool for uploading local music from your computer will also be discontinued. At the end, The service will not be fully available in October.
However, existing Google plus Play Music users will have the option to do so until the end of the year Access your playlists, uploaded music and purchases and the rest of the material. In this way, Google plus wants to facilitate the transition from one platform to another. The iniciativa is that from 2021 Google plus Play Music is gone forever.
If you like Download all content from Play Music Before closing, it is possible to use Takeout, the Google plus tool that allows us to find all the information that we currently have about its services.