After reaching three years, the móvil inteligente no longer receives monthly updates, but every three months.

Samsung has officially announced that the Consider Galaxy8 Your monthly security patches will be reduced to quarterly schedule. A promotion that the company has already carried out with the Galaxy S8 and which is now coming with another model from the company.
The South Korean company itself is certified it is a statement it is The Galaxy Note8 will no longer receive monthly Android updates, but will do so on a quarterly basis. As with each of Samsung’s flagship teléfonos inteligentes, once the three-year mark has been reached, the manufacturer has assured that they will continue to support the device, but its users will have to wait for the security update: monthly updates will be removed.
Owner of a Samsung Galaxy Note8 It doesn’t get security updates every month, but the Asian company explained that it will be quarterly, meaning every three months. A tactic well known to the Korean manufacturer who has been doing this for some time.
The Samsung Galaxy Note8 receives quarterly security updates
The Samsung Galaxy Note8 will no longer have monthly Android updates.
Samsung is a well-known company Update your teléfonos inteligentes longer, compared to other brands. The Korean company offers monthly security patches for three full years before releasing quarterly updates in its fourth year.
Therefore, Samsung offers updates for four years, which other well-known brands do not do with their devices, for example Google plus and its Pixel. It should be noted that this change only affects the Samsung Galaxy Note8, which receives updates every three months until October 2021. So if you have a Galaxy Note 9, Galaxy Note 10 or Galaxy Note 10 Galaxy Note 20You will continue to receive monthly updates.