Find Your Best Nine on Instagram: This is how you cánido see what your best photos were this year and share them with the world.

The year is coming to an end and it’s that time again look back A few weeks ago we already explained how to see the most listened songs for the whole year 2020 on Spotify and now it’s time to talk about it instagramAs every year at this point, it was flooded Articulo with the top nine photos of each usuario.
But, How do you top that with the best 9 photos? The called “Best Nine” or “Best Nine” allows you to create a publication that collects the nine pictures or vídeos with the most likes They managed to accumulate over the past year to later share with the world. In this article we explain it how perro you get yours.
How to find your Instagram Best Nine
Although there are applications on Google plus Play that allow you to perform the same operation, the truth is like this No additional aplicación needs to be installed on the mobile phone. Otherwise we cánido use websites such as lovewhich offers the same function completely free.
All you need is access the page from your phone or computer, and Entrar your Instagram nombre de usuario in the text field. Finally, just touch the “GET” button. Find the picture with all nine photos to our profile for more Well. and the site itself will give us an opportunity Share the generated image on Instagram Stories in the form of a articulo or vía other platforms such as Twitteror simply save it to device storage.
And that’s it. It’s easy to comment on the process may take a few minutes from the moment our nombre de usuario is entered until the page generates the final image. So it might be a good iniciativa to look to other tools such as top nine either All are free to use and you don’t even have to Provide correo electrónico addressso that we do not receive advertising messages after using the service.