The first consejos for sharing renewed design lines in the Google plus ecosystem They were rediscovered in February when the first rumors about Android P surfaced. However, we later saw this change of course come to fruition, not just due to the arrival of Android P with a slightly refreshed design – it’s likely to change even more in the future beta–, but because Google plus has already started to pave the way by updating the most important applicationslike Maps, Play and soon Google chrome.
But those from Mountain View don’t seem to slow down in adapting their applications to the new design lines. Today acc he discovered i 9 to 5 googlesown The search engine application for Android will release this refreshed style soonwhich also affects the appearance of the Pixel Launcher.
Material Design 2 is getting closer: Google plus starts testing its aplicación
While Google plus isn’t exactly a proponent of circular interfaces with rounded-corner rectangles, it seems it has been for some time G big They start to change their minds. we have already seen how circles stayed on androidand I’m afraid we’ll have to get used to it once Material Design 2 arrives – or whatever name Google plus will end up using. much more accurate interfaz in almost all of its components.
All you have to do is look at the screenshots to get it. In the images above we perro see how Pixel Launcher’s news feed is getting a complete redesign –other–, with Cards with rounded corners, which squarely overlap the also-rounded corners of the cover photos of each card. Then the underside of the life Now it appears to be more opaque, giving a sense of glass that we haven’t seen before in this part of the UI.
But we entrar the search engine application itself and actually find that everything has changed. The white color stands out more on the rest, and Maps espectáculo little elevation from the background, which in its original edition breaks one of the primordial rules of material design. One of the most relevant changes is that the Google plus search bar stays on top even as we scroll through the cards.
That is clear at the moment This design is still far from its final stage and there is still a lot of work to be done to eliminate the inconsistencies which we still find in certain parts of the usuario interfaz. What is clear is that this is the new course Google plus is taking across all of its mobile platforms and services, starting with Android and all the applications that bear its signature.