Who said Android is poor? Bill Gates himself emplees an Android móvil inteligente as his personal cell phone.

A few years ago, Bill Gates claimed to have made a decision happen from iPhone and switch to Android. Sometime after that moment the co-founder of Microsoft and formerly the richest man in the world offered an interview to which he has returned Confirm your choice of Google plus operating system again.
However, as Gates explained emplees iPhones from time to time as he says he is “trying to be clear about everything”, the truth is that the phone spends most of his time in his pocket Device with Android inside.
The reasons why Bill Gates emplees an Android phone
During the interview, Gates was asked a question What were your reasons for using Android instead of iOS?and if they had anything to do with it Endless battle between Microsoft and Apple.
In this sense, although the co-founder of Microsoft and the creator of Windows have decided not to entrar the controversy, he explained that some manufacturers have decided Pre-install Microsoft programa on your Android devices It “makes things easier” for him. Based on these hints and given Microsoft’s good relationship with Samsung, I am very concerned that Bill Gates’ Pocket is one of the latest phones in the Galaxy range.
Flatter him too Android flexibility the way services connect to the operating system.
“Well, some of the Android manufacturers pre-install Microsoft programa in a way that makes my job easier, and they’re more maleable about integrating the programa into the operating system, so I’ve gotten used to that.”
Oddly enough, the interview was conducted through Clubhouse, the trendy popular network which to date isn’t available on Android and only has a version for iOS devices.
In the past, Gates suggested that if Microsoft had done things right, Windows Mobile might have overtaken Android today. In fact, he regrets that Google plus’s operating system got away with it and states that leading Microsoft was the biggest mistake in its history.