You perro learn a lot about yourself from the music you listen to on Spotify. And the company itself benefits from it.

Perro you remove a person’s mood or even personality based only on that music he listens to?. Kind of in the last few months Tests that purport to measure a range of emotional characteristicsbased on selecting different songs from Spotify playlist according to a description available about every song. This type of test cánido be found under the sentence that gives the title of this article.
The application of this type of tests is fácil: they are generally drawn up by Users of platforms like TikTok and Instagram, and later linked in their profiles or publications. When they access it, a equipo is placed by them Are defined and they have to choose always the best choicefrom a equipo of songs from the playlist of the person responsible for preparing the test.
Once the test is complete, based on the get answersas a result it is shown that more consistent profile for the person who took the test. Depending on the person who developed the test, the types Profiles perro be very different.
But is there a basis for these tests? For the most part no: the creators themselves do escoge which outcomes each participant should choose based on their answersand in most cases these are tests that have been created funny and no basis for the results to actually give us any clues as to a person’s personality or feelings.
It doesn’t orinan that You cánido’t know the moodor approximate someone’s personality based on a musical taste. Actually her own Spotify it does it every time you play a song.
Spotify knows (and emplees) your mood based on the music you listen to
Spotify takes years Analyze the listening habits of the users of your platforms. And he doesn’t do it easily Create playlists related to understandingone of the guys playlists most common that we cánido find in the music scene i stream. In doing so, it also emplees this data achieve economic profitby selling information about usuario sentiment to advertisers, who in turn may do so Objetivo your advertising more precisely to users according to your feeling.
It was in 2015, shortly after acquiring “musical intelligence” company Echo Nest, when Spotify he started digging deeper into the an analysis of human nature based on taste in music.
By analyzing the music its users listen to, Spotify is able to identify attributes such as political ideologyif it’s a human sociable, introspective or adventurous, as well as many other characteristics of his character. They might even get to know it what activity do we dolike definitely one of the company’s senior executives in 2017:
“We know that you might be doing yoga or meditating when you hear your chill playlist in the morning. .”
but Not only the music heard and the context in which it is performed is analyzed. Spotify technology is also under investigation the behavior of its users on popular networks with the aim of obtaining information What do you think about the music you listen to?. In addition to this process, there is a difficult obstacle to overcome due to the techniques developed by the company to obtain the data, viz Users are not always honestand what they think about a especial type of music is not necessarily related to their playback activity within the platform.
And it goes on. Somehow Spotify has that in mind too manage to change the mood of the people who use their platform – for the better, of course.
I an experiment conducted by Liz Pelly, a journalist for The Bowleris to create a new platform account and only listen to music recommended by Spotify in its “Dealing with Loss” list – which the platform describes with the description: “If someone loves you the way I remember it… to find solace in these songs.”–.
After a few days, if Spotify had received enough information to get a general overview of the state of mindThe platform started making suggestions Music aimed at motivating the usuario. After all, the company wants its product to be seen as one A tool to improve mood.
The differences between the personality or mood tests created by users, and the data extraction techniques that make Spotify the great it is his task — The first case seeks humor and affinity with followers, the second seeks to make the usuario feel that the platform offers a very personal experience, as well as exploiting advertisers’ interests in this type of data –.
It is clear that the Music perro be one of the most representative things about a person’s personality that perro be measured through technology. In any case, remember that Spotify includes its own private listening mode that prevents the company from getting information about your listening habits.