The Japanese company is preparing a handful of innovations with the new operating system update.
Android 11 updates will continue to be in the news for the next few weeks. Little by little, all the companies announce their specifications with the new operating system from Google plus and now It’s Sony’s turn.
The flag of Japan was released a official list with all news that they reach theirs Terminals that perro be updated to Android 11 and among them there are some really interesting ones, as we shall see below. The downside is, as we were informed some time ago, only 5 Sony teléfonos inteligentes will receive the new version.
What Android 11 brings to Sony phones
The inclusion of Android 11 in Sony teléfonos inteligentes will be a big leap in quality for them. Thanks to him, for example, you perro finally enjoy natively and integrated screen recorder and automatic/programmable dark theme, Similarities in many devices from other companies that Sony had forgotten.
Regarding the dark theme, the customization takes on a greater dimension since, in addition to being able to equipo a specific time when access to the site is allowed, the phone does it automatically depending on sunrise and sunset time.
Likewise, another great news is that they are coming too Major improvements in the security and privacy department and in the ad management. With Android 11, the Priority Chat Notifications for the usuario.
But there is more. The Japanese company has high hopes for them game enhancer, the exclusive application for Xperia devices, which will also receive one Well restored with Android 11. With the new version, all game icons appear together in the same folder, entirely dedicated to the games.
Apart from all that With the new version of Android 11 we get:
- 4K recording at 120 fps in Cinemapro.
- Memory recovery for Photo Pro, a system afín to Alpha cameras.
- ad history.
- Ability to use the phone as an external monitor (Xperia 1 II).
- Screen shortcut in recent aplicaciones.
- Reorganization of the UI in notifications.
- New loading menu interfaz.
- Ability to choose to charge to 80% or 90% to save battery.
- bubble ads.