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This case brings your phone to the charger thanks to tiny robotic legs

This robot cover that moves by itself is without a doubt the best we’ve seen this week.

This case brings your phone to the charger thanks to tiny robotic legs

If you have a robot vacuum cleaner at home, They will know that when their battery dies, they will go to their own charging station on their own. This is a very useful feature and means that we don’t have to worry about them when their battery dies.

What if the same feature could be adapted for teléfonos inteligentes? This is what a group of developers from Seoul University is trying to do with a strange situation.

This is the case necessary to charge your mobile phone when the battery is dead

It is a case, as well as the “protection” of our móvil inteligente, It has little robotic legs that carry the phone to the charging dock when the battery runs out. No, it’s not magic, it’s science and technology.

As we read in GizModo, CaseCrawler is a robot disguised as a suitcase that transports the móvil inteligente to its own charging station when the battery falls below the minimum. Pretty interesting thing.

thanks to small feet, CaseCrawler moves slowly and cánido even overcome small obstacles to reach the charging station. Of course, the legs don’t always stay there, but when the cell phone reaches its destination, they retract and flatten out so as not to bother them.

Its creators have said that this is nothing more than an experiment and of course this iniciativa is not in production. CaseCrawler perro carry a load of 300 gramsWeight much higher than any móvil on the market.

So far nothing more than that in CaseCrawler, funny story. We do not know if in the future and like cleaning robots our mobile will go to the sockets or charging stations by itself when its battery falls below 20%, but the truth is that this little robot body seemed to us the most fun and the most interesting thing we have seen lately.

_Would you like to have your own CaseCrawler?
