Although en línea shopping is gaining popularity day by day, we cannot ignore that there is an important ámbito of technology that consumers prefer retail store. Not only that, currently many of these physical stores are functioning as great product presentation: Go there, try, compare and then order en línea.
It’s not for everything but those more than 20 shops that Xiaomi was perfectly inaugurated last year 2018 in Spain the recent rise of Xiaomi In our country. Something afín happens with the Apple Store, although a number stuck in the ten now for some years. Although Apple 504 Physical stores distributed all over the world, Xiaomi is able to reach this number in one day through franchises.
For all this, despite Huawei’s commitment to expand its physical businesses beyond China Yes indeed a historic start for the brandThe path is neither easy nor pleasant, although the Chinese company a important support in your salescompeting with Samsung and Apple for the global sales throne, the competition in retail trade it’s intense.
Vienna, the city chosen by Huawei to colonize Europe
Huawei announced this, among others Press conference in Viennathe capital of Austria. As reported by the Reuters agencySome Huawei Austria executives have released the news of this upcoming inauguration dated this summer.
Is this the beginning of a saga of Huawei Stores in the style of Purest Apple Store? It’s still too early to say how Huawei chose Austria it didn’t happen by accident. At the moment the brand is Chinese Market share almost 30% in the European country as well as the fact that Huawei works hard together with the three main Austrian operators in the development of this country’s 5G infrastructure.
It must also be pointed out that this is the case Huawei’s second European storeIt was inaugurated about a year ago Huawei Experience shopShop with additional services from device customization which also offers courses experiences of all kinds for customers and fanes of the brand.
At the moment there is no indication whether the expansion will continue or whether Huawei expects a more “estándar” type of storage, far from the concept of the Experience store.
Huawei also used the press conference on European territory for this purpose Denying and Silencing Spy Rumors recently charged the company. According to Joe Kelly, Vice President of Huawei Communications:
We have not been required by any government or agency in the world to do anything that could jeopardize the safety of our customers.
The inauguration of this other Huawei store also represents a small but firm step in the cooling of the relationship between Huawei and the European Union, which seems to be in a tricky moment because of Current tensions between Donald Trump’s US administration and many Chinese tech companies.