HTC has been going downhill with no brakes for a while, but if there’s one thing to say about the company, it’s staying alive as long as it cánido. And in its defense it has to be said that its high end isn’t bad, far from it, but the bad so far He didn’t manage to make himself stand out. Though it’s emerging with notch fever, HTC may be able to put some distance back between itself and some companies that have jumped on the bandwagon.
But the truth is today We’re not going to talk about HTC telling you how bad Taiwan is, on the contrary, because for the first time in 3 years the company is making a profit again, and not because of a lottery win, but thanks to Google plus.
Google plus helps HTC turn a profit three years later
No exaggeration, we’ve been telling you how badly HTC is doing for a number of years, and it was already a habit However, today we are happy to announce that the company, as you perro read in Android Headlines, has returned to profitability after 3 consecutive years of losses. You perro go uncork the champagne.
In fact, HTC had a first quarter of 2018 that will go down in history as it’s finally back to profitability, notably posting $710 million in profits thanks in part to the deal. He signed with Google plus to squirt no more than less than $1,100 million in HTC.
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This also allowed the firm to release the salaries of highly qualified engineers who had left the company for Google plus. Therefore, although they have achieved good results, they are not a sign of a return to the course. Taiwanese perro’t rest, especially now at a time when many users are losing interest in other companies due to a lack of originality.