Google plus rankings have an important specific weight for your business.
A good en línea reputation is always a guarantee of success for our business, whether it is a physical business or one that only operates over the Internet. We need to find a cómputo in our business to increase positive reviews and minimize the potential impact of negative reviews. All these ways to get rankings on Google plus cánido boost your business proposition. It’s always worth investing effort to get them, so why not give it a try?
What are Google plus Reviews?
As you already know, Google plus reviews are just comments with ratings left by existing business customers on the internet. Positive reviews not only help make our business more interesting and stand out from the competition, It also helps with website SEOrequired to appear in the top positions.
When we receive reviews, especially if they are positive, We cánido have a translation when it comes to increasing sales. If you have a lugar de comidas that your customers prefer in an area, you’ve done a lot of work. On the contrary, if you have bad reviews because of fate or because you don’t offer cutting-edge service, you’re carrying baggage that doesn’t help you at all.
Now there is always an opportunity to be aparente in our store thanks to Google plus rankings. The first thing to note is this Automatically dismiss the iniciativa of boosting your business with fake reviews. Google plus is smarter than we think, they will find out and penalize you and you will have the opposite effect. It is very important to have a lot of reviews on Google plus, especially if they are good, because they are a point of reference for your business and cánido make you stand out from others.
Get rankings on Google plus: Here’s how
There are effective ways to get rankings on Google plus that don’t involve any penalties. The first is obvious, your customers will be the ones who dictate the judgment. So if you try to provide a high level of service, the chances of getting negative reviews will decrease. Though it’s better not to despair There are always black sheep who give you the vote every pilgrim topic. Don’t take for granted that the apocalypse is coming. In the next part, we will provide you with some tools to help you manage the lowest comments well. Follow these suggestions to get good rankings on Google plus.
Encourage your customers to leave comments
When your store is physical and when a customer has expressed their satisfaction before leaving the premises invite him to leave a review. Most likely, it will do so in a positive way. Please note that this is very important to your business and as is the case with small businesses any help is always appreciated.
On the other hand, if you offer your service vía the Internet, In each of your correos electrónicos, include a final section with a backlink to comment on your service. By doing this, you enable your customer to make a good impression of you. In one case or another, you perro encourage them to write reviews by providing a discount code for the next purchase or any other type of promotion that might be attractive.
Submit an appeal for a comment
There’s always a good time to encourage them to write to you. As we said before, a discount coupon is always welcome for anyone who comments. But it perro happen to you too Raffle for a product or service among all those who have rated it within a certain period of time. It could be one of the cheapest ways to invest in marketing. You will see that there is always a return on investment.
Take advantage of popular networks
It is an inexplicable mistake that your company is not present on popular networks. There is always a network that is tailored to your objetivo audience and it would always be beneficial to invest the time and effort into it. Therefore, it is about getting good rankings on Google plus Publish engaging content on popular media and that you cánido do it yourself without investing anything. Everything you project on popular networks will influence your potential customers and motivate them to get good reviews on the almighty Google plus.
Do you have a Google plus logotipo? take advantage of it
If you have good reviews, you cánido Request the Google plus badge to make it aparente on your website. This is a real magnet for visits as users always return with good comments. It’s a strategy you should adopt as soon as possible if you’re not already implementing it.
How to manage bad reviews on Google plus
Sometimes it happens that some unsatisfied customers leave us bad retroalimentación. It also often happens that someone gives a negative review, although this was not necessary. The temptation to react in the same way is very great, however Remember this is your business. If you get caught up in an argument that doesn’t lead you to a good haven, the rest of the prospective clients will see you as someone to avoid, which you perro’t afford to do.
It’s always the first step answer politely. If the comment they left you contains some bad words, don’t put yourself on their level. Just regret what happened and invite that person to a new opportunity. Yes, you may not feel like it, but you live in the community. If you offer a solution, you’ve already done some of the work for positive retroalimentación.
Google plus cánido even remove the negative review if your answer is well reasoned and well written. In this respect, it is worth investing in. In the same way, negative reviews perro usually be wrong They are characterized by the fact that the profile of the person writing does not contain a photo. You have a very high oportunidad of getting it removed if you request it from Google plus.
You perro even suggest that this person come to an agreement privately. Invite him to write to you vía dirección de correo electrónico or private message on popular networks. They will have to boil their trust back, but it’s also about creating new opportunities and even if that person is wrong, they will offer a reformed purpose so that the tables are turned.
Take care of and receive all retroalimentación this is mostly a worthwhile contribution. Remember that your service or business always depends on the community and a satisfactory agreement for both ensures that a negative review perro be something else.