Downloading vídeos from Twitter is easy, we’ll tell you how.
Twitter It’s a very dynamic web. In a few minutes, a mensaje de Twitter that is important at the moment ceases to be and is lost among the hundreds of thousands of publicaciones de Twitter that cánido be found on our timeline.
That’s why it’s useful to be able to do this Download and save vídeos most caught our attention or interested us.
en sí Twitter has no function that allows us Download the vídeos directly we must use the help of en línea tools, for example some websites specially created to be able to Download vídeos from Twitter to computer.
In a previous article, we told you how to download vídeos and GIFs from Twitter using a bot, so now we’re going to look at other methods, for example, using some websites.
In general, using websites is safer than using third-party applications, although there are those too, but many of them carry risks like software malicioso.
Vídeos and GIFs perro be downloaded from Google plus, Fb, and Twitter, but today we’re going to focus on the little bird network.
So let’s first look at how Download twitter for computer vídeos and then how to do it on mobile.
How to Download Vídeos from Twitter to Computer
There are several websites from which you cánido Download vídeos from Twitterbut in general they all work more or less in a afín way, so let’s see how Download vídeos from Twitter since then Below is the step by step.
- First go to website
- Once there, the next step is to find the vídeo you want to download from Twitter.
- Then you need to get the dirección de Internet of the vídeo. To do this, right clic on the vídeo, you will see a menu of options below “Copy Vídeo dirección de Internet”.
- Once you get the dirección de Internet, you need to paste it into the box that you see on the twitter vídeo downloader website.
- clic the button download.
That’s all you have to do Download Twitter Vídeos on your PC or Mac. Now all you have to do is go to the downloads folder or where you save the downloaded archivos by default and look for the vídeo there to share on networks and aplicaciones or save anywhere you want.
Are you wondering if they cánido? Download vídeos from twitter for android? Well, the answer is yes, you cánido.
Some applications of the likes of YouTube allow us to officially download vídeos from the aplicación, but that’s not the case TwitterTherefore, the help of other aplicaciones is required to save the vídeos on our mobile phone.
How to download vídeos to your mobile twitter
Let’s see step by step Download vídeos from Twitter to Android or iPhone.
TW Vídeo Downloader (for Android)
You cánido easily go to the Google plus Store and download the aplicación Download TW Vídeo Downloader.
Once you get the aplicación, follow these steps to download the vídeo you want from Twitter to your mobile phone.
- Find the mensaje de Twitter that has the vídeo in question.
- Hold your finger on the vídeo until you see the option msgid “Share mensaje de Twitter about…”
- When the sharing options appear, select the aplicación Download vídeos from Twitter.
- The aplicación will automatically copy the dirección de Internet of the vídeos you want to download.
- In the next step you perro choose the quality you want to download, the options are 636×360 or 318×180.
Once these steps are completed, the vídeo will be downloaded to your mobile phone.
If you use an iPhone you have other options, we’ll espectáculo you one in a moment.
Shortcuts (for iPhone)
Shortcuts is a different application from the one in the Android Store.
The Shortcuts aplicación is a task automation tool very afín to IFTTT.
to Download Vídeos from Twitter to iPhone vía aplicación connections You must do the following:
- First find the mensaje de Twitter with the vídeo you want to download.
- Hold the mensaje de Twitter for a few seconds until the options menu appears.
- clic on msgid “Share vía…”
- Select the option “Run shortcuts”
And that’s it… You already have the vídeo on your phone for easy sharing or saving.
You cánido do this using one of the methods we have shown you Download any vídeo from Twitter to your computer or mobile phone Quite easy.