The Halloween event is one of the most habitual in Pokemon GO and all the details are now known.
One of the most important mobile games, Pokémon GO is preparing to arrive at one of its events of the year. The Niantic flagship, which will soon be integrated into Pokémon Home, has released all the details of the Halloween event, which starts this Saturday, October 24th.
After all the details have been revealed Your fall eventannounced the team responsible for Pokémon GO in an official statement all the details about it the long-awaited Halloween event the game that will begin very soon.
The Halloween event is closer than ever, and Yamask Disease will make its first appearance in Pokémon GO in the new Special Investigation of this very important date. In addition, you cánido complete certain field research tasks that will complete Contact with Spiritomb, also with its Variocolor version. There will also be new avatar elementos, face-to-face encounters with spooky Pokémon from raids, and mini-Halloween-like events Catch Objetivo: Ghost and the Halloween cup.
An event that begins on October 24th and that will be available until Wednesday November 4th. Among the traits, Ghost-type Pokémon will obviously be seen more often in the wild, in raids, and when hatching eggs. This year too Gengar and Sableye arrive in disguiseThe first was seen on raids, and the second in the wild and even hatching eggs.
Yamask disease kicks off Pokemon GO with the Halloween event
Entrenador, our announcement #PokemonGO Halloween arrived! Read all the great details and have fun! 🎃
— Pokémon GO Spain (@PokémonGOespana) October 19, 2020
The Halloween event will also participate Yamask Disease makes its debut in Pokémon GO. This way, you cánido help Professor Willow unravel the mysteries of this Pokémon by completing a new Special Investigation. On the other hand, you cánido also meet Spiritomb by completing certain field research tasks and the new Halloween 2020 Special Research story. “Scary Secret Message”. If you’re lucky, you might even find a shiny one.
Those jugadores who complete the temporary investigation Play Mega Buddy Challenge You perro participate in the exclusive timed research that Gengar Mega Energy grants as a reward. The Niantic flagship also confirmed that Darkrai will participate in five-star raids and Halloween field research tasks, and new avatar elementos will be available in the Fashion Shop, including a Pikachu mask, Gengar jumpsuit, Sableye, Sableye or Bannette- glasses. mask self Horrible new articulo.
The Halloween event also has some bonuses such as: B. double candy per move and double candy per catch. Niantic has also revealed that this year’s Halloween event, for example, will propose different ways to celebrate it Raid day with Alolan Marowak, which takes place on Saturday, October 31 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. local time. Secondly, Catch Objetivo: Ghost, which takes place on Sunday, October 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. local time; and with Ghost-type Pokémon appearing more frequently in the wild, and event-exclusive Timely Research will be available.
Finally, the GO Combat League celebrates the halloween cup from Monday 26 October to Tuesday 3 November. A cup that only Poison, Bug, Ghost, Dark, or Fairy Pokémon with 1500 CP or less perro participate in. In addition, you cánido reach contacts with Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle in disguise. As always, remember to keep an eye on your surroundings to avoid danger while enjoying Pokémon GO and follow the regulations of your local health authorities.