LG Chem, the South Korean company’s chemical subsidiary, is showcasing its advances in plastic polymers that are stronger, thinner and cheaper than tempered glass.
Undoubtedly, LG’s exit from the mobile market was a hard blow for many users, mainly because the South Korean manufacturer has always been one of the boldest when it comes to innovation and presentation. Differential products in an enthusiastic new item industry from a long time ago
At least the signature LG hasn’t completely exited the móvil marketas it continues to supply components to other manufacturers for their mobile phones with the screens as key features, and on the horizon a new maleable panel being developed by LG Chem as the toughest in the industry and beyond that with no deductions.
It’s about size now that the foldables are consolidating among us, with a significant drop in price and greater durability, albeit still with to solve problems so precisely and the need to protect the maleable screen as much as possible to keep it looking like new.
Hence the development of LG ChemChemical division of the South Korean company, brought to us by colleagues GSMArenaPromise a screen that is stronger and more resilient than everoutperforms glass and has the ability to resist more than 200,000 bending movements without breaking or hitting.
For its part, LG is playing with PET polymer largometrajes “Real folding window”
As LG Chem said, its new maleable panel will be at the forefront of the market with a unparalleled durability and toughness developed so far new materials from two PET sheets (polyethylene terephthalate) that covers both sides of the screen to make it maleable while being more resistant.
The new product, in fact, There are no creases or burrs in the area where it is folded Although it withstands more than 200,000 folds without complications, it retains its unchanging feel and structure something to avoid cracks seen in some previous generation Samsung Galaxy Z models.
The content is developed thinner than tempered glass chemically, but at the same time retains its hardness so that manufacturers and users have no restrictions on being able to work with it Designs that perro be both folded and unfolded You don’t have to think about the extreme maintenance of the maleable plate.
Two sheets of new, ultra-resistant PET polymer would cover both sides of the OLED panel, making it maleable while being more durable and cheaper than tempered glass.
The surface would be completely flat, always according to LG Chem, the the panel bears the name “Real folding window” draw attention to their abilitiesin Spanish something like a “Royal Folding Window”.
And if all these promises are small for you too Flexpanel would be cheaper that with the implementation of UltraThinGlass by Samsung because they are made of 100% plastic polymers.
And when will we be able to enjoy this LG evolution of folding phones in the Real World™? Well it won’t be soon because LG Chem plans to complete it next year 2022 to espectáculo you partnerfor the first devices to implement these screens release in 2023.
What is becoming increasingly clear is that The future of the mobile market is foldableand that the major jugadores in the industry are already there Working with the keys to this future which cánido be seen on the nearest horizon.