How to equipo your availability in Slack to always be aparente en línea.
Slack is a very effective communication tool between work teams. It is quite easy to use, with a pleasant interfaz and a wide variety of actions, it has become the most habitual application in many working environments. Today we will espectáculo you how to be always en línea in Slackto make it clear to the rest of your team that you are available.
How to be always en línea in Slack
First of all it must be said that the active state, or what is the same as that we are available, is the one that is activated by default when you start the application. That may very well be, but it may not be convenient for you that it seems to be available automatically as soon as you connect to this tool. Imagine you need a few minutes to check your dirección de correo electrónico or organize your tasks. A member of your team may attack you at this moment with a question that you cannot answer at this moment. Changing availability in Slack is very easy, basically because this aplicación only has two modes, Active or Away.
To change your availability in Slack, all you have to do is clic on your profile photo, ie You perro find it in the top right corner. You will see that there is an option labeled “Change your status to End”. With a fácil clic you perro switch from Available to Away and vice versa. The last one you have before exiting the application is the one you start with next time.
So if you turn off Slack while you’re away, it espectáculos up first thing in the morning the next day. As you cánido understand It is very easy to change availability. You will realize that you are like Available because a small green dot appears next to the active word. if you like Absentthe point turns gray.
How to update your status in Slack
The application also allows us to integrate the state. Appearing available or away is no longer enough, you cánido indicate whether you are in a encuentro or on vacation, or customize it to your liking. These statuses help feed the rest of your teammates with more information. Updating your status in Slack is as easy as following these steps.
- Clic your profile picture in the top right.
- Just below the photo you will see a slotted hole, clic on it. The application gives you a number of predefined states, you perro choose one of them or write the one you want.
- Customize the time that this status is shown to the rest of your contacts. You cánido choose the ones that are predefined or select the desired time slot directly, Even add a long date in case you’re going on vacation.
- For custom status, just type what you want and adjust the time.
it is so easy Equipo your availability in Slack and add a status on the side that provides more information to the rest of your teammates. The application is becoming one of the most interesting options for working in work environments, as it offers many options, such as: B. the possibility of integration with other applications or a very comfortable interfaz. But Slack is not alone, there are many other options that make the landscape of business communication tools very well stocked.