The truth is that we need to take more care of our technology. It is much cheaper to change the battery, clean the product or factory reset than buying a new device.
We all know that the technology products we buy have an expiration date.. Two, three, four or five years is what we call planned obsolescence. However, if a phone lasts four years or more, many of us change it for two years at most. Either because we are fed up because the battery is working a little worse, or sincerely because we wish for a better móvil.
However, not only has COVID-19 completely transformed our lives in many ways, it is also causing devastating economic impacts on many unemployed and others whose jobs are at risk. This means that there is not that much to spend on technology up front and we need to be more diligent about caring for and protecting the electronic devices we buy, or in other words, We must put the technology we live longer.
Clean more often
A móvil is perhaps one of those products that gets dirtier over time. Nevertheless, we always have it in our hands, we carry it everywhere in our bag or bag and leave it on any surface, although the same perro be said for tabletas or laptops. Not only do you need to clean it to prevent bacteria and infection, but also to make it last longer.
In the case of the móvil mentioned above Dust and dirt must be removed from the charging ports and headphone jacks and in the case of a computer, for example, removing the dust that has accumulated inside the case and of course in the seguidor.
Factory reset the device or free up memory
This isn’t the first time an electronic device has slowed down overnight. Either because we have installed many applications or tools or just have full memory. Sometimes there is no clear reason and the device runs slowly without knowing why.
For this reason, and as important as it is to clean our technique from the outside, he will do it indoors too. From restoring the devices to their factory condition – no doubt making copia de seguridad copies of our most valuable data in advance -, uninstalling the applications we no longer use, or deleting the documents, archivos or photos that we no longer need.
protects the battery
One of the main reasons we tend to change our technology products more frequently is that the battery is getting smaller. To be honest, this is unusual because changing the battery in an official taller is much cheaper than replacing the device. What is not habitual in a telephone, for example, That’s great, but because the battery runs out quickly, we have to change it.
In addition to replacing the battery, we must bear in mind that this is one of the most delicate parts of any technological product and that is why Your care must be very important to us.. At Andro4all, a few months ago we published a guide with keys to extend the life of our battery, so we recommend you take a look and of course apply all these consejos.