Learn how to distinguish fake headphones from the real ones with the tricks we’ll teach you.
Today we are used to en línea shopping. In most cases we tend to buy products from reliable sources but sometimes blinded by offers, We usually go to other types of stores where the products are heavily discounted. It might not bother us too much to know that these aren’t cheap original headphones, but, with headphones like AirPodsthe best know if they are original.
In these stores we perro get a big discount compared to the original product. With headphones There are many fakes that we cánido find on the internet today. So we wonder how perro we know if the headphones we bought are not fake? We will explain some tricks to find out.
Avoid buying from unofficial websites
As the title suggests, depending on where we buy the headphones, we have to be careful. Usually the headphones come from sites that are not very reliable they are usually very low. Of course, not all sellers offer counterfeit elementos, but some do.
Brands like Xiaomi, Apple or others have official sales channels. In this case, the dealers perro sell original headphones to the population. We find the product sales channels on the same pages of the sellers or through a Google plus search. If we buy the headphones from an official retailer, We will have no problem with the authenticity of the product.
On the other hand, if it is an unofficial retailer but we want to buy from that store, that is what we must focus on in the reviews. It’s habitual for some Good and plentiful reviews are a source of trust. If the store has many negative reviews or not, we must be careful when buying.
If the price is too low…
We all tend to do it when we need a product. Let’s look at some places where we cánido find the lowest price. Sometimes with a discount voucher or sometimes simply with a discount directly from the store.
In the case of headphones, stores often sell fake goods and use very juicy discounts to get our attention. You get these discounts with a 60 or 70% discount. at the price in the official shop.
In this case we should be dealing with a fake. Although it is true that these discounts perro be found on all types of headphones, for example Xiaomi’s entry-level models such as Redmi Airbuds, when we note that it is the most important, it is usually the most important. high-end headphones.
Packaging, one of the most alarming signs
some fakes They tend to be so true that they are almost the same. Still, fakes always tend to some difference or fallo in packaging. Here are some of the loudest:
- Brand logotipo may be different.
- The colors of the packaging carton are darker or lighter than the original.
- The texts may contain errors or deviate from the manufacturer’s texts.
- Sometimes they don’t come with instructions or have a very poor finish.
The quality of materials is another sign to consider
If we discussed above the problems that we could have with the headphones that we bought in stores because they offered very juicy discounts, it is clear that cheaper fakes could be sold. The quality of the materials will be lower than that of the original product.
The key to analyzing the real or fake headphones is to look closely at the product. Some weigh more or less than the originals and we get details that aren’t quite finished, like the letters that indicate whether they’re right or left earbuds. They are usually the cases or even the covers that some headphones come in poorly sewn or with errors in the stitches.
With Apple headphones we will know more easily whether they are original or not These headphones will sync when you lift your case cover next to your iPhone. For counterfeiters, this is more difficult to achieve.
Check with the manufacturer for the serial number
The last step to consider when identifying counterfeit headphones (and the most obvious one, by the way) is to look up the headphone serial number from the manufacturer.
Many manufacturers, such as Xiaomi, provide a website where we perro tell if the product is counterfeit or genuine. All we have to do is fill out a form with the serial number to verify if the product is fake or not.
In other cases the manufacturer does not have this website, we cánido Contact the manufacturer by correo electrónico or phone and ask him to look up the serial number of this product. If it goes well, the product should be authentic and we shouldn’t have a problem. Otherwise we are 100% sure that the headphones in front of us are fake.