Motorola has done a good job with the RAZR 2022. We give you 4 keys why we recommend it.
With the advent of foldable teléfonos inteligentes, manufacturers wanted to bring them back to market small phone which could regrow when opened. The problem? the screens. Folding a screen wasn’t an easy task (years ago it would have been impossible) until they finally succeeded.
The latest to come out is the Motorola RAZR 2022, which is a very close phone which we cánido carry in the pocket and which, unlike the folded folds that save space, do not become too big or too thick when opened.
The question that arises is… is it worth it? We will give some reasons why the Motorola terminal maybe it’s worth it.
1. The back screen. Beat for small tasks
Comparing the rear displays of the RAZR 2022 and the Z Flip 4, we perro say that the RAZR’s display is a long way off more cultured than the Z Flip 4. In it we cánido answer messages, open any application and receive notifications.
If we want we perro also use the screen to watch a vídeo or a podcast or even listen to music with less battery. success in our opinion be able to use the small screen to display background content on the terminal.
On the other hand, the only negative thing we perro say about the screen is its size. be so small It’s difficult to reply to a message because the size of the keyboard is very small.
2. The internal screen is barely noticeable when open
One of the problems with clamshell terminals is the display of the main screen. By showing the screen, we perro easily noticed cleavage This may be annoying at first, but we quickly get used to it.
In the case of RAZR 2022, they wanted to improve on this system by making the notch practically invisible. For habitual use of the phone We wouldn’t have a problem in this view.
3. Hardware that is expected for its price
The hardware in that sense is as expected (except the cameras) on a phone 1200 euros. It features the latest processor, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1+, combined with excellent RAM and state-of-the-art virtual storage.
the phone is very powerful and fluidbecause its screen perro reach up to 144 Hz of an adaptive refresh rate, accompanied by the latest processor and a light layer of Android.
The only point against it is the photography section. The cameras They’re not top-of-the-line cameras. Motorola had to cut somewhere due to the high cost of the screens, and that was because of the cameras. It has two cameras, one main and one wide-angle. Offer good photos up to 8K but they don’t have as much data as a latest generation top-of-the-range terminal.
However, the front camera gives good results. We cánido use the rear camera to take a autofoto with the rear screen, but it’s not necessary. With the home screen, we have more than enough in this article.
4. The autonomy is surprising for a folding phone
It is a point to include autonomy in this type of terminal. Usually foldable phones They are phones that sin in terms of independence, as they have small batteries to have a more compact size. This point perro pose a problem for many users who are used to accumulating many hours on the screen.
In the case of the RAZR 2022 we perro, although it’s true that it has a 3500miliamperio-hora battery 5 hours of active screen with average usage outside and inside, which is more than enough given the nature of the phone. We may think that 3500 is a low battery, but they have done a good job to optimize the programa and it must be said that we cánido use the device with the small front screen to increase the overall autonomy.
A terminal worth having if you are looking for a compact mobile phone
Motorola RAZR 2022 is a terminal that It’s worth it if we want a compact terminal. If we perro pay the 1,200 euros that it costs, it’s a terminal with which we won’t have any problems on a day-to-day basis and the functionality of the rear screen helps to view content quickly.
If we are users who like photography, not our terminal Since the cameras are the only negative point that we think cánido matter in this regard.