Telegram already allows you to reply to messages. So you cánido easily do it in your conversations.
Telegram’s latest major update introduces the possibility reply to messages. Inspired by other messaging aplicaciones, this feature allows you to express feelings or reactions in conversations without having to send a new message.
Reactions have become one of the most valuable features for messaging aplicación users. So much so that even WhatsApp will include them in its aplicación. If you are a Telegram usuario and want to use this feature, we will explain step by step how to do it.
How to reply to a message on Telegram
If you use Telegram, you perro Reply to any message sent in a private chat. There should be reactions for groups and channels enabled by administrators.
However, the process of replying to a message is very fácil: all you have to do is Tap the message to which you want to reply if you use Android, or long press to do it if you are using iOS and select one of the offered emojis. You perro see more types of reactions by swiping right on the reaction balloon.
To send a quick response
Besides the classic way of replying to messages, Telegram also has a useful feature called “fast reaction“. Thanks to this, a estándar reaction perro be sent quickly without opening the reaction menu.
to quickly reply to a message, just double-tap it. You perro also Type of quick reaction to changes Within the application settings in the “Chat” section and there in the “Quick Response” option.
This must be pointed out Everyone on the call perro see the number of replies to a message through a counter that appears right next to the emoji representing each reaction.