One of One UI 4.1’s star options, some experts say RAM Agregado slows down Galaxy phones… But don’t worry, we’ll tell you how to disable it!

Presented as a star feature back then, however, the truth is definitely that this option was only developed for cheap mobile phones Samsung finally enabled the RAM Agregado option with One UI 4 for its entire catalog of devices, making affordable mobile users and owners the most affordable plus Expand RAM memory reserve part of the internal memory.
In theory, This should improve device performanceespecially in cases where mobile phones and tabletas do not have a lot of physical RAM installed, although in reality they do Samsung didn’t allow disabling RAM Agregado and it seems that this functionality is behind it weak exaggerated and the annoying slowdown of many Samsung devices in recent years.
Why does RAM Agregado slow down Samsung phones?
As our classmates told us Police Androidthis problem The investigation began with the launch of the Galaxy S22 with One UI 4.1 installed in it, a móvil inteligente that It felt less consistent and capable than the Galaxy S21 Of course, count this with previous versions of UI Only and lower hardware.
First, however, everyone looked at Samsung’s Exynos 2200 chip the defect did not appear to be the South Koreans’ 4-nanometer electronics core this case since the problem was also reproduced in the Galaxy S22 with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen1.
confirmation of this RAM Agregado was the main culprit from weak came with that Updates to One UI 4.1 from previous Samsung phones that began to suffer the same problems with chipsets of all kinds, including mid-range and affordable ones.
So since Samsung didn’t offer a way to turn off RAM Agregado originally the Opinion Android got to work Learn how to disable this feature and test your Galaxy phone againquite a positive experience since the RAM memory expansion was disabled The Galaxy S22 Ultra unfolds its full potential again and work as expected.
So whoever needs RAM Agregado because their móvil doesn’t have much RAM cánido keep it active, as warranted in your case, but for everyone else is having slow issues on their Galaxy devices now we teach you How to disable RAM Agregado perro be used unlimited again for phones and tabletas.
Will you join us to find out? You don’t need root access or any other fantasies, don’t worry…
The genere of all evil, RAM Agregado, cannot be disabled in One UI 4.
How to disable RAM Agregado on any Samsung Galaxy with One UI 4.1
We don’t really know why, but among the options is the functionality of RAM Agregado in One UI 4.1 We perro only choose between 2, 4 or 6 GB of expansion without the possibility of disabling this type of memory retrieval not all of which we will need in daily use of the device.
Anyway, the Android developer community found it how to change system configuration archivos to allow more appropriate options Memory in RAM Agregado, therefore With a fácil command you cánido disable it in a very fácil way.
It will be enough for that allow the “USB debugging” in the settings and connect your móvil inteligente to the computer with the adb tool (Debugging Bridge for Android) ready to run this command:
adb shell settings put global ram_expand_size_list 0,1,2,4,6,8
Once you’re in, you perro Disconnect and restart the mobile phoneso that when you return to the settings RAM agregado We are presented with options of 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8 GB among the beneficiaries.
Disabling RAM Agregado will be as easy as that Choose 0 GB, restart the phone and it would be done… You will be able to fully reach your cell phone again!
Here we espectáculo you the RAM Agregado screenshots without an order and also after changes have been made:
How to disable RAM Agregado on Samsung Galaxy updated to One UI 5
The news is better for One UI 5 based on Android 13, and that is Samsung has listened to its usuario community develop and implement Enable or disable native RAM Agregado feature according to our criteria and specific requirements.
It will be enough for you to go to arrangements and look for the RAM Agregado option in the memory options in the terminal’s Care and Maintenance menu. perro turn off the option with a selector switch on top.
In this Capture Versions beta You will see it much better, because a picture is always worth a thousand words:
In One UI 5 you cánido disable RAM Agregado by default.
Well, what should I disable RAM Agregado on my Galaxy phone?
now You already have all the information and perro make a decision however, what to do with your Samsung Galaxy before the first problem weak or performance, we strongly recommend disabling RAM Agregado and try again to see if this solves the problems with your móvil or tablet.
Even if you don’t have UI 5 only with the native option, The ADB command is very easy to runYou don’t need anything plus and You only have to do it once unless we restore the terminal to factory settings, so it’s an easy way to solve a very complicated problem.
How about you, have you had “lag” problems with your Galaxy without being able to explain the reasons?