In this guide, we explain the steps you need to take to find out the popular security number from your mobile phone.

The administrations in Spain are gradually being digitized. Thanks to the MiDGT application, the controlador’s license cánido already be carried on the mobile phone. On the other hand, the implementation of DNI 4.0 is already a reality, with a number of advantages that this brings in terms of protection. And as we have explained to you, it is easier than ever to make an appointment in some offices with your mobile phone. But, What about the popular security number? Is there a way to get it by phone?
Well, the short answer is yes. Yes, you perro request your popular security number from your mobile phone. However, the question we answer here is how to do it. Follow the steps we espectáculo you below to get this important information from your device easily.
How do I request popular security number verification on my cell phone?
Request popular security number from mobile phone It’s a relatively easy task. However, it is necessary to identify yourself at the appropriate electronic exchange and therefore we will divide this guide into two parts. Firstly, we will espectáculo you how to get the appropriate access to view your data and secondly, what you need to do to apply for the membership number.
Identify yourself at the Electronic Popular Insurance Office
As we were told, the first thing you should do is identify yourself. That means you have to espectáculo who you really are. Otherwise, the Application cannot provide the personal information you have requested.
Thanks to the mensaje de texto verification method, it is very easy to identify yourself to popular security.
Follow these steps to identify yourself on the Popular Security website:
- Using the browser, entrar the Electronic Bureau of Popular Security.
- Open the website menu and clic Citizens and now, reports and certificates.
- Scroll until you find the entry Popular Security Number Accreditation.
- Tap on get access.
Now you are in front of the identification page. From our point of view it is the simplest By texting. You must entrar the following data:
- Birthday.
- Mobile phone related to popular security.
If for some reason this method doesn’t work for you, you should know that you have other ways to identify yourself, y también.g. B. Using a valid digital certificate on Android or with your Cl@ve account.
Apply for a popular security number
We come to the second part of this teaching. Once you have been identified, the steps to follow to request your certificate are very fácil.
You will receive the number in PDF format. It will be automatically downloaded to the device.
To request your popular security number after identifying yourself, do the following:
- Tap on The popular security number or membership number will be provided.
- The download icon is displayed in the navigation bar. This means that the website sent a PDF archivo to your device with the required information.
- Open the PDF document with your favorite viewer or from applications like Google plus Drive. You cánido find it in the folder Downloads from your device’s internal storage.
Because the entire process is completed by the Electronic center of popular assistance, you cánido follow him from any device. So if you have an iPhone, iPad, Android tablet or computer, you also have the option to request this report.
What is the popular security number used for?
After all that has been analysed, some may be surprised What is the popular security number used for?. As the company itself reports in its official journalthis data is the identifier of the citizen in all the relationships he has with the popular security association.
A popular security number is mandatory for certain aspects of our daily lives. Here are some examples:
- to collect pension. A popular security number is required if the pension is to be collected at retirement.
- Enjoy the benefits. Is it about collecting benefits, such as B. unemployment benefit, the insurance number is essential.
- Entrar the health system. Popular Security covers the healthcare services we use, such as B. Emergency care or corresponding surgeries. In order to be included in public health, it must be affiliated with this body. The only exception is the admission of a child with the number of its legal guardians.
It is important to remember that the Membership Number (NAF) which matches the NUSS or popular security number. In fact, this is the latter when engaging in economic activity, whether as an employee, self-employed or as a naval worker.
Secondly, This number should not be confused with the number on the health insurance card. Although the Autonomous Communities consult with the NUSS or NAF for the issuance of this document, the printed numbering that appears on it is not necessarily contemporary. Instead, each administration emplees its own system to identify the usuario.