WhatsApp and Fb kneel before TikTok, which for the first time will be the most downloaded application in the world.

China’s conquest of high-tech industries continues. Just a few days after Xiaomi has now become the world’s best-selling mobile phone brand TikTok has become the most downloaded aplicación in the worldaccording to the latest Nikkei data.
The latest data offered by the company describes how TikTok has managed to outperform Fb and WhatsApptherefore always the Application with the highest number of downloads in 2020.
TikTok dominates… even in the United States
Not even the US territory is spared from the success of TikTok. According to Nikkei Asia, ByteDance’s aplicación has outperformed Fb aplicaciones like WhatsApp, Fb, Instagram and Fb Messenger. They all rank in exactly the same order behind TikTok at the top of global downloads.
On the other hand, the top of the most downloaded aplicaciones in Asia – which does not include China – is slipping Fb with the first articuloand TikTok with the latter.
The most downloaded aplicaciones of 2020 worldwide, with TIkTok at the top.
It doesn’t appear, therefore, that the US government’s veto of TikTok last year — which was reversed shortly thereafter by the new administration — has hurt the short-vídeo aplicación’s success. The various controversies in which the application was entangled for months have also not led to a result