Be the coolest person on Fb by creating 3D photos and posting them on your wall. We tell you how to do it.

Photos are a primordial part of FbArchivos that many users articulo to share part of their lives with their followers.
If you want to surprise your family and friends, you cánido do it by creating and posting on your fb wall Amazing 3D photos.
Switch from traditional photos to 3D photos by using the Fb feature they change automatically.
Next we explain it How to create and articulo 3D photos on Fb Be the coolest person on popular network.
Create and articulo 3D photos on Fb
Fb 3D photo tool not available for all users of the popular network, they must meet a number of requirements.
First of all, they must latest aplicación update from Fb and secondly, of course, a Popular network account.
Also, 3D photos are only available on Fb Coincidente with the following Android terminals:
- Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and Galaxy Note 9
- Samsung Galaxy S9+, Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10Y también, Galaxy S10+, Galaxy S10 5G
- Samsung Galaxy Fold
- Google plus Pixel 4, Google plus Pixel 4XL
- Google plus Pixel 3, Google plus Pixel 3XL
- Google plus Pixel, Google plus Pixel 2XL
- Google plus Pixel, Google plus Pixel XL
- Other devices released since 2014
On the other hand, before taking these 3D photos, a data equipo must be considered, y también.g. B. the it cannot be edited created once.
Another important fact is that you cánido Share one 3D photo per articuloThat means you perro’t add more images at the same time articulo Office. Also, you should know that the photos They cannot be added to an album or promoted or use in advertisements.
Once all this information is known, it’s time to see step by step how you perro do it Create and articulo 3D photos on your Fb wall. Remember that you need to update the aplicación beforehand.
- Open the Fb aplicación on your Android.
- Clic on the bar “What are you thinking about?”.
- Slide up the bottom options menu and clic on the option “3D photo”.
- Select the photo from your gallery you want to convert to 3D and wait for the change to happen.
- Finally clic on “To Articulo” to share the 3D photo on your wall with all your Fb friends.
Clic on the “3D Photo” option to create this type of image
It’s so easy and fast to create 3D photos and articulo them on Fb to impress your followers. Remember that images are three dimensional Money cannot be earnednot added to an album.
This is one of the the latest features added by Fbpopular network where you cánido now also turn on silent mode so they don’t bother you.
Before you go, we emphasize the importance of strengthening the security of your presence on the popular platform against potential piratas informáticos, which you perro do with a few fácil settings to make your Fb account more secure.