It’s been a while since Beam, the service stream Microsoft vídeo en línea change its name to mixer also the renewal of its applications for mobile devices, certainly sought Windows 10 and Xbox help with growth a vídeo platform with a moderate testimonial presence so far.
Microsoft’s success is certainly tied to its Mixer service, but the Redmond guys are working hard to make their en línea vídeo platform more attractive. So, a few days after a major update to make the application multilingual, now comes a A complete redesign of Mixer for Android also for iOS.
It’s not just an update, it is an application developed from scratch considering usuario reports in recent months and according to the Mixer team, is trying to clean up the application to better support future updates.
In the new version of Mixer, it’s easier to find programs that interest us and The trend area has been completely redesigned with sponsored backlinks, best games or most viewed content. In addition, there will be pages dedicated to each game. So clic on one to open a menu with the best vídeos of the title.
Also add New filters for searching for programs according to the specific ways of the service how to do direct currentinteractive broadcasts, etcétera.
Performance has been improved Optimize the application to the maximum so that its stability and fluidity are sufficient, and Microsoft declares that it is one hundred percent designed for mobile devices. The possibilities of customization are also increased, with new sections for favorites suggested by the communityetcétera.
As perro be seen, the already existing functionalities will continue with us, although they will be adapted to the new graphics and application experience, and The developers are already promising important improvements like a more reliable notification system,’s chat feature, and vídeo playback improvements. direct current.
If you want to try the new version of Mixer, all you have to do is follow this guide Backlink to Google plus Play Store and register in the program Beta testerThis will give you access to download the application.
More information | MixerBlog