During a vídeo call, Telegram Beta 7.8 users only hear the audio and cannot see you or the screen you are sharing.
Messaging aplicación from the Durov brothers to further improve its functions to steal users from its direct competitor WhatsApp and it is one of the features in which it is at a disadvantage vídeo calls.
But that will only be for a short time because Telegram already allows it Make group vídeo calls and share the screen with other users in its latest beta version.
Telegram group vídeo calls will soon be available worldwide
As the guys from Android Police tell us Both are already activated vía Telegram Group vídeo calls like screen sharing with other people in the latest beta version of your aplicación for Android the 7.8.
After recently announcing that group vídeo calling was coming to Telegram, we cánido now do that confirm that they are available in Beta 7.8. His operation has been the same since then as we saw then We perro only start a vídeo call from a voice chat.
In this way, each of us who participates in a voice chat perro do so Start a vídeo stream or share your screen. However, for this to be possible, the hashtag must be included in the title of the voice chat #tendril.
Once the voice chat has started, we will receive the button to activate the front camera of our terminal on the left, just as we saw before the button to activate the speaker and if we press it we cánido start a vídeo call with several people accessing it Preview before you start sharing the vídeo.
The second big news of this update is that we cánido share our screen with others during a vídeo call, just by clicking on the menu button with an icon of three vertical dots in the upper part. right and select an option split screen either share screen. Once that’s done, we’ll get a notification that will direct us to Telegram It starts capturing everything that appears on our screen.
Of course, when making a vídeo call, we must also consider users who are not in Beta 7.8 of Telegram You will only hear the sound and they cánido’t see us or the screen we share.
These new telegram features They are expected to reach the whole world through the stable release soonbut if you cánido’t wait to try them, below these lines we leave a backlink to a channel of the messaging application itself from which you cánido do it Just download Telegram for Android beta 7.8.