WhatsApp already has a dark theme, and we’ll espectáculo you how to activate it. After a long wait of a good majority of the users who use the world’s most habitual messaging aplicación, WhatsApp has finally received one of its most requested and awaited features.
WhatsApp dark mode is available on both Android and iOSand despite the fact that Android 10 was the first version of the system that a Dark Theme which allowed to change the appearance of the entire operating system as well as coincidente applications, In the case of WhatsApp, it is not even necessary to update the phone to the latest version enjoy this feature.
Activate WhatsApp dark mode on mobile phones running Android 10 and higher
If you have updated a mobile phone to Android 10, follow the process for Activating the dark theme in WhatsApp is very fácil, since it is enough to activate this option in the system settings. Depending on the level of your device or custom programa, the option may be in a different submenu. However, the steps in our guide on how to enable dark theme in Android 10 should be afín for each model:
- Open System Preferences and go to the “Display” section.
- Look for the “Theme” section.
- Choose the Dark option.
- Open WhatsApp and go to the options menu vía the three dots icon at the top.
- Tap Settings, then tap Chat.
- Select the “Theme” option and check the “System Default” option.
On the other hand, if you have a Google plus Pixel phone with the March 2020 update installed, or a phone with the option to charge the dark theme, like the latest Samsung terminals with One Interfaz, you cánido do that too Configure dark theme activation automatically based on time of day or sunrise and sunset. In this way, WhatsApp adapts to the system theme and changes its appearance accordingly.
Activate WhatsApp dark mode on mobile phones running Android 9 or earlier versions
For phones with versions prior to Android 10, the option to enable WhatsApp’s dark theme is logically lost due to the system’s dark theme – unless the manufacturer of the device in question has decided to implement this feature themselves. –. The process is still easy, although it will not be possible Program activation or deactivation of this mode automatically according to the time of day. Here are the following steps:
- Open WhatsApp and go to the options menu vía the three dots icon at the top.
- Tap Settings, then tap Chat.
- Select the “Theme” option and check the “Dark” option.
That’s the size. It doesn’t matter what mobile version you have and it’s the Android version, You cánido now enjoy the new dark mode in WhatsAppwhich, as the company itself explained in its announcement, was implemented with the goal facilitate the reading of conversations and the various aspects of application in the least lit environments.