If you have a Samsung phone and are waiting for Android 12, you should know that all the changes will not make you look new. Some of them have been on your phone for a long time.

Samsung was one of the first brands to release the Android 12 update for some of their phones, introducing the changes announced by Google plus when launching the latest available version of Android.
However, as with all new Android versions, some Samsung device owners have found out Some of the new features of Android 12 already present in their devices with older versions, due to Samsung’s request Introduction of all kinds of different functions in One UI, the programa that brings your phone to life.
That’s why today we wanted to review some of them “News” for Android 12which means nothing new for Samsung Galaxy phone owners when the update hits their phones.
dynamic themes
The main innovations of Android 12, at least at the aesthetic level, are the new automatic Theme You themes, capable of completely changing the appearance of the operating system, removing the colors of the wallpaper to apply them to the system.
Samsung has integrate a afín function in One UI 4, inspired by the dynamic themes of Android 12. However, owners of Samsung devices have been able to enjoy a very afín feature for several years Theme park module of Good Lock custom aplicación
Various themes in Android 12 generated based on wallpaper.
Advanced recordings
The possibility Take screenshots of lists or entire web pages This is nothing new for Samsung device owners. However, Android 12 introduces this option natively for the first time.
As if that wasn’t enough Samsung has a better implementation than Google plus’s, since it allows you to create scrolling screenshots in any application, unlike the solution included in Android 12, which limits this function to some aplicaciones.
One-handed method
It took a while, but Google plus is finally on board one-hand method on Android 12, making it easier to use large phones.
But while Android 12’s one-handed mode lasts longer than most brands, it hasn’t reached the level of the mode included in the Samsung Galaxy for several years. And this despite the fact that it is possible in One UI Change the part of the screen that cánido be interacted with to facilitate management, in Android 12 its size is reduced, afín to iPhones with the Presence option. The only advantage of the Google plus solution is that it is possible to full-width virtual keyboard.
Samsung has been building one-hand mode into its phones for years.
search device
Android 12 introduces a new local search API on the device, open to aplicación developers. Google plus states that the AppSearch API is a high-performance “on-device” search engine that enables aplicaciones to index and search structured data using text. Among other things, it supports multiple languages and the ability to create rankings based on relevance.
For users, this system allows Easily perform all types of searches, from applications to contacts or locations. On Samsung teléfonos inteligentes this feature has been available since around 2014like count Police Android.