In the first few months of this year, the expected VoIP calls began to arrive on WhatsApp. Finally, users could make calls vía WhatsApp, which would only use data from their contract plan. The first rumors about these calls surfaced in late 2014, and now, a year later, We’re hearing rumors again, but this time through WhatsApp vídeo callswhich seems pretty close to coming true.
As we see in Macerkopf’s blogthe alleged the first screenshots of vídeo calls on WhatsApp, also collected by our colleagues at Applesencia. As we’ll see, it’s an interfaz afín to WhatsApp’s no-image calls, but logically you’re connected to the active camera. We see a microphone button to activate or deactivate, as well as a button to toggle between the front camera and the rear camera.
When are vídeo calls coming to WhatsApp?
This leak invites us to imagine that Vídeo calls on WhatsApp will be available soon. Some sources claim that they are closer than we think, while others tell us that it will not be until May 2016 that we will see a stable version of the application with these vídeo calls. Curiously, almost in May, April 28th of this year 2015 to be precise, Fb introduced vídeo calling in Messenger.
Either way likely In a very short time we perro start testing WhatsApp vídeo calls in our terminals with one of the beta versions released regularly or through a filtered APK.
Here are others for WhatsApp that gradually functions are improved and added to satisfy the millions and millions of users who use it every day in all corners of the world. There may be alternatives, perhaps more complete, like Telegram, but of course WhatsApp usuario sharing is something that at least no instant messaging application seems to outperform.