Megapixels aren’t everything: Here’s what you need to know about mobile image stabilization.

When it comes to mobile photography, megapixels aren’t everything. Looking at the móvil photography sections, essential features are minimized that perro make the difference between a great camera and an average camera. One of them is him image stabilizationan aspect that is often not given the importance it deserves.
And that’s it Good image stabilization cánido enable an average sensor to genera a quality image, or greatly enhance a device’s night-time imaging capabilities. In this guide we take a closer look at it what is image stabilizationand guys there on the market today to help you choose your next mobile phone based on its photography.
What is (and why is it so important) image stabilization
The concept behind image stabilization systems is easy to understand: in general, they are a Technology – whether device or programa is responsible for reducing the vibrations of the image captured by the sensor to eliminate any type of unwanted movement that could genere it blurry footage or vídeo scenes emotional.
Although image stabilization systems are primarily intended for use on teléfonos inteligentes, they are what image stabilization systems are. the photo cameras They were the first to use this type of technology. Since their appearance in the early 1960s, these systems have allowed to compensate for unintentional camera shakethrough mechanisms assisted by gyroscopes Slightly change the position of the lens in the opposite direction based on the data collected by the gyroscope.
Year for year, Technology has evolved and it is possible miniaturize this kind of system so that we perro get today built-in image stabilization on mobile devices, as well as on the cameras themselves or the lenses. Also today yes Electronic stabilization systems as well as the optical systems, and which together with these systems bring to life one of the most effective stabilization systems: the hybrids.
Optical stabilization – OIS
The Huawei P40 Pro has optical stabilization
The last five years have been vital for the implementation of optical stabilization systems in mobile phones. Today, this type of system, commonly known as OIS, is already built into the vast majority of high-end mobile phones —Optical image stabilization— and little by little we’re seeing some affordable editing terminals incorporating these features into their cameras.
As the name indicates, optical stabilizers are based on physical components and to integrate a MEMS type gyroscope – Micro Electro Mechanical Systems – capable of interpret the involuntary movements of the device and adjust the direction of the sensor in the opposite direction to minimize vibration.
This system has its advantages, for example that it is general more effective performs its function than some other digital options, which is more noticeable in combination with “telephoto” type sensors, which require more accurate stabilization than sensors with a shorter focal length. In addition, the need is eliminated Top view when recording vídeowhich is essential when using digital stabilization systems.
On the other hand, the optical stabilization system cánido help Less powerful phones perro genera better stabilized vídeossince the stabilizer acts independently and does not affect the vídeo recording process, unlike digital stabilization systems, it leaves about apply filter”. about the vídeo recorded in real time, which is a greater burden on the charged the visión.
But they are not perfect. Optical stabilization systems are components that ocasione additional costs with the development of devices, and the impact on the end of final sale price of these. It should also be borne in mind that, like all physical components, the optical stabilizers perro fail.
Electronic stabilization – EIS
The cheapest mobile phones usually only contain electronic stabilization.
Also known as digital stabilization systems, the electronic stabilizers or EIS With this difference, they act very similarly to optical stabilizers This type of system does not require any special hardwarebut it emplees the sensors present in the device, such as the accelerometer, to detect and correct involuntary movements.
It’s on one an adjustment that affects the image received by the sensor itself. In this way, the The detected area is slightly reduced give it effect zoom. Therefore, the aparente area moves between the top area to compensate for the movement. When recording vídeos, the stabilization algorithms work by identifying a high-contrast point in the image to keep it stable.
Although in general These types of systems cánido be very effective. when it comes to stabilizing our vídeos and helping the sensors take pictures by minimizing vibrations, They are also not without disadvantages.. To the problems already mentioned, we must add a few effects or deviations For example, when recording vídeos, the famous “gel effect” perro occur, which is caused by a certain delay in perspective changes caused by the stabilizer. A clearer example of this effect cánido be seen in the vídeo below these lines:
But perhaps the most obvious downside is the fact that whose resolution applies to a clipped field of viewresulting in reduced resolution and image sharpness when enlarged.
Hybrid Stabilization – HIS
The OnePlus 8 Pro combines OIS + EIS to bring to life a hybrid stabilization system.
The promise of a hybrid system together the best of both worlds to offer the most effective stabilization systems available for mobile phones. As the name suggests, hybrid stabilization systems Ability to mezcle an optical stabilizer with the advantages of a digital system. In recent years, more and more manufacturers – including Google plus – have chosen to integrate this type of system into their terminals.
The great advantage of this system is that we use the advantages of both technologies. On behalf of the OIS, yes the benefits it brings to the field of photography, mainly due to the possibility of taking better quality night pictures. For the EIS we have the possibility that it is a system it perro be easily improved through updates programa.
Which one is better?
It is worth considering which system is the best check which of them fulfills their function betterbe able to minimize vibration and movement during the vídeo recording process, or the possibility Take pictures in poorly lit scenes no blurry parts, causing the sensor has more time to capture light and genera a brighter image.
With few exceptions A good optical stabilization system should provide a better result than a digital one, especially when it comes to mobile phones moving out of the more expensive parts of the market. Likewise, These types of systems are almost essential. if we are talking about terminals containing some kind of “telephoto” photography configuration.
However, be there digital stabilization It already minimizes vibration during vídeo recording and should be more than sufficient for most users.
He is hybrid stabilizationnot being significantly better than the other systems is possible score in terms of flexibilityand without a doubt it is an interesting addition to take into account, especially when we talk about the most expensive mobile phones on the market.
It must be mentioned that in recent years some manufacturers have decided to go further, develop new stability systems like lettering gimbal from Vivo, which promises to offer an unprecedented motion and vibration reduction system. However, this type of technology is not yet widespread enough and it is very likely that this will not be the case, at least in the short term, due to its high production costs and the size of its components.