In Telegram there are bots for everything, including sending you reminders so you don’t forget important tasks that have to be done.
Telegram bots are one of the most interesting features of the messaging platform, since they allow you to add tools without having to install third-party applications. legal entity The best Telegram botsIn this article we want to recommend you one that will be very useful for you when you are used to it Forget about your upcoming tasks.
His name is AlertBot and its job is to remind you at the desired time of the tasks you have ordered. It’s very easy to use, you don’t need to have complicated knowledge to add it to your Telegram account. To make things easier for you, we explain step by step in this article how to make telegram remind you of everything whatever you want with AlertBot.
How to get Telegram to send you reminders with this AlertBot
Telegram is a messaging platform that we like for many reasons, one of which is their bots. These are automated robots specially created for perform a function when you add it to a conversation by Telegram. For example, there are bots that tell you the weather, do mathematical calculations or even help you For example, download vídeos from Twitter.
Some help you avoid third-party aplicaciones like AlertBot. If you usually use reminder aplicaciones like Remind Me, forget it because AlertBot takes care of it remind you of your upcoming tasks without leaving Telegram. Another feature we love about bots is that they cánido be easily added to the platform so that any usuario cánido use them.
You cánido clic to start the process previous backlink or entrar into the search engine from Telegram the term “AlertBot”. If you use the second method, you just have to clic on the corresponding result (@AlertBot) when it appears in the search list. So you get access to the conversation with AlertBot and you cánido now use it as a reminder page. Here are the Steps you should follow:
- Press the button “Beginning”at the end of the conversation.
- Read the instructions the bot gives you regarding its use.
- To configure an alert you must follow the following scheme: alarm code (/alert), the time you want to be alerted (1m/4h/5d/3w) and the alert in question (y también.g. plant water). It would be something like this “/alarm 10m water the plants”.
- Clic Send Message and wait for the bot to confirm that the reminder is equipo.
When the equipo time has expired, You will receive a Telegram message from AlertBot reminding you of this that you must complete the task you registered. Undoubtedly, reminding yourself to do tasks like turning on the washing machine at dawn, watering the plants, or sending an important correo at work is a useful tool.