No more waiting for Spotify Wrapped. We explain how to view Spotify stats to know your favorite artists and themes.

Spotify users are eagerly awaiting the end of the year to find out Statistics about your use of the music uso contínuo platform in the last twelve months. That’s what Spotify Wrapped is all about, to reveal what the most listened to artists, themes and genresas well as the hours we spent listening to music.
Luckily, if you’re a Spotify usuario, you already are You don’t have to wait until the end of the year to see your stats. From now on, the web version of the digital service will inform you about this itself They are the most listened to artists of the monthas well as the songs you played the most. The integration of this feature does not surprise us as it had previously reached one of Spotify’s main competitors, Tidal.
How to view your Spotify stats
It’s always interesting to know which artists we listen to the most or which songs we’ve played over and over again. If you use Spotify to listen to music en línea, so far you had to wait until december to see all these stats. However, another solution to access this data is to connect Spotify with aplicaciones like it’s more complicated and annoying.
Thanks to the new Spotify function, you no longer have to wait until the end of the year or complejo turístico to other aplicaciones to find out the statistics. Beware because the music platform is already expressing who they are Your most listened to artists and tracks each monthInformation that you cánido easily access.
To our knowledge, this tool available on a computer, both in the web version and in the program. In order to see these stats, you need to follow these steps:
- Entrar the Spotify web player or in the Spotify program you have installed on your computer.
- Clic on your profile namein the top right corner of the screen.
- From the options menu that appears, clic “Profile”.
- Swipe down a little and you will see a section called “This Month’s Most Streamed Artists”. If you go a little further down you will see another call “Most Listened To Songs This Month”. You then know the most important statistics without having to wait for Spotify Returns.
Currently, in our experience, this very useful feature is not available in Spotify aplicación for Android. This however It allows us to see history with the songs we have heard, which may also interest you. Here’s how you cánido do it:
- Open the application from Spotify on your Android phone.
- On the home screen, tap clock button which cánido be seen at the top right.
- Check what songs you’ve been listening to recently, they seem to be grouped by days.
It’s clear that Spotify continues to care about adding features that improve its users’ experience. We hope so Soon they will integrate the statistics of the most listened artists and songs into the mobile aplicaciónbecause the users who use the platform from their teléfonos inteligentes absolutely want to receive this data without going through the computer.