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Definitive Fb will not have an easy time regaining credibility after the scandal, and the fact that the polls also confirm that the Fb gate It eroded usuario trust. And yet the guys around Mark Zuckerberg don’t seem to give up in the effort Keep working to expand the possibilities of your popular network.
is the last Fb Dating, your own en línea dating service compete with Tinder and allow its users to find a partner thanks to the Internet; Aplicación announced at the annual F8 conference a few months ago, and that Today he finally started his probationary period in ColombiaWe look forward to short-term international expansion.
As he tells us Wired The service is already operating in the Latin American country where a People over 18 perro create dating profiles waiting for matcheswhich will surely come as more and more users entrar.
Many will think that Fb Dating is late with Tinder, Bumble and other afín services, but the truth is so The popular network has the great advantage that almost everyone already has a Fb accountThe use of your dating service is therefore limited to creating a separate profile for us.
However, Fb Dating is integrated into the popular network itself It is only accessible vía móvil and requires this specific profile which will be independent of our Fb account. And to feed the unique algorithm designed for dating, we perro insert up to 9 pictures and Answer a form of about 20 questions personal nature.
It should be mentioned that Fb Dating comes to meet new peopleso in our coincidence None of our Fb friends are shown than the people we blocked before. As you might expect, the same methods are used as on Fb to block users.
In dating, the algorithm is responsible for finding us a partner, and that is regionally restricted it will only allow us to find people within a 100 kilometer radiusbecause Fb Dating wants to be useful:
We try to get in touch with people who are willing to meet in the future. It’s about participation, and precisely about making sure that users actually intend to participate.
Nathan Sharp, product manager at Fb
Unlike Tinder, we don’t have to swipe or select users we like, we have to instead we have to push when we’re not interested is a recommended usuario. In addition, it will be possible Start a conversation without having to connect first both users, simply by sending a message or comment.
These messages are stored in a separate compartment, and it is also interesting that Dating cánido be linked to events and groups, but not to services like Messenger, that is We cannot share photos or archivos through the messaging service.
Another choice for a booming ámbito, and this time from an authoritative voice on popular networks like Fb. A major competitor to Tinder without a doubt…
on Andro4all | Fb and the consequences of the scandal: 74% of users no longer trust the popular network