Before the end of 2022, Telegram received one of the biggest updates in recent months.
A new version of it telegram which goes to all users of the application. The most habitual alternative messaging aplicación WhatsApp for 2022 closed with one of the big updates in the last months, with big changes that you perro enjoy now by downloading the latest available version of Telegram.
This update brings big changes including ability Send media archivos as “spoilers”.new drawing tools or the option to do so free memory space occupied by the aplicación to disminuye the impact on device memory. In addition to these new features, there are many other changes that we will discuss below:
Everything new coming to Telegram with the latest update of 2022
Telegram has updated its messaging aplicación to introduce some interesting changes that users of the aplicación will likely welcome with open arms. The full list of changes is available below:
- hidden media: It is now possible to send photos and vídeos covered with a blur layer that blurs the image. The content only becomes aparente when the recipient clicks on the message. To send this type of message, all you have to do is touch the three dots icon before sending the archivo and select the “Send as Spoiler” option
- Use null memory: Telegram now includes a new section in its settings where you cánido view the aplicación archivos that are taking up the most storage space. Therefore, the largest archivos cánido be deleted more easily, or the settings for automatic cleaning cánido be equipo separately.
- New drawing and text tools: This version also includes new image and vídeo editing options with blur tools, new fonts and text sizes, and more.
- Profile photos for contacts: From now on you perro equipo profile photos for your contacts on Telegram, replacing the image you want with the one configured by the usuario as their profile photo.
- Public profile photos: A useful privacy feature included in the new version of Telegram is the option to equipo a public profile picture for the rest of the world to see if you only want your contacts to see your main profile.
- Hide group members: If you are an admin of a Telegram group with more than 100 members, you cánido now hide the list of members from other participants.
- Themes for groups of all sizes: Telegram has also built in the ability to use the themes in groups of any size. These materials cánido help you organize conversations by creating separate areas within the same group.
- New advanced animation: The Android version of Telegram now includes new chat progress animations.
- New animated and interactive emojis: As always, Telegram has also added a new collection of animated emojis for Telegram Premium users and some new interactive emojis available to all users.
The new version of Telegram is now available to download from the main aplicación stores. Those who already have the aplicación installed should be able to do so update automatically and enjoy today’s news.
From Telegram they claim to be working on it already the next big aplicación updateit should arrive in the next few weeks.