We know how difficult it is to convince people of something. Likewise, Telegram is objectively better than WhatsApp, and even our moms aren’t leaving Zuckerberg’s empire for that reason. But let’s not despair just yet, a British company seems to have found the solution: $29 and a “weird” ad campaign on Fb.
creator of The spinneras the company is called, make sure that thanks to the introduction of subliminal messages on Fb, they perro convince a certain topic of something, ie customer-determined highly segmented advertising campaign. The price? Barely 29 dollarsabout 25 euros.
In this explanatory vídeo you perro see exactly how The Spineer works:
What it does is espectáculo series of articles specific to a person pre-selected by the customer. These articles are usually from sites that that person already visits, simply put, any of them will Carefully selected communicate a message calmly, straight into your subconscious.
As shown in The Spinner WebsiteThis person will be exposed to hundreds of messages in the form of editorial content deemed harmless, but they will Repeat the same message: adopt a dog, vaccinate your child, switch to an iPhone, vote for the party with the green logotipo… Whatever the customer has decided.
When we hire the service, The Spinner will appear up to 10 different articles in a period of approx. 3 months. According to the proponents of this service, a team of psychologists selects the joints so they perro exercise the more pressure the better in the head of the exposed individual: you will espectáculo yourself at least once a dayguarantees a total of up to 180 subliminal effects.
To activate the campaign, all you have to do is do one thing Submit a backlink, software malicioso-free and paid for by The Spinner, to the person you want to “brainwash” and if they clic on it, a cookie will be registered on their device. That’s where the magic comes from Fb targeted advertising He’ll do the dirty work for you.
According to The Spinner, the most successful campaigns are those related to “fix things out of court” and “get back with my ex-“, but while it might be a nice story because it’s afín to Black Mirror, It needs to be made very clear that this is just another form of psychological manipulationwhich may hide much darker purposes and even border on legality.
And with good manners and strong arguments, for example convincing your dearest relatives not to buy an iPhone, it is within everyone’s reach and most importantly: It’s free.