Don’t miss the new Netflix mobile games that you perro download to your phone now.

He is Netflix catalog of mobile games grows again for another month, with two new titles the subscribers of the service perro download and play completely free of charge. This month October is the turn is inspired Y He nailed it! Bake Bashboth available from October 4th.
They are two very different games. The first offers playing style relaxed and focused on the graphics, without forgetting the challenge that will face different enemies during our adventure. The second is an arcade game in which we will challenge other jugadores to see it Who cánido create the best (or worst) cake?.
is inspired
I is inspired we put ourselves in the shoes of captain a very special ferry. A person walking towards the over there.
Our mission will be to accompany the ghosts and take care of them during their journey, jumping, sliding and overcoming obstacles while collecting elementos and improvements to customize the ship.
The game is a very meticulous graphics section, and the playing style he is relaxed and calm. is inspired It will be available to download for Android and iOS starting October 4th.
Google plus Play | is inspired
He nailed it! Bake Bash
A game for older people confectionery faneswhere it will be create the best (or worst) cakes..
It’s a multiplayer title where you cánido compete with friends to see who cánido make the best creation. In addition, it adds Various mini-games that put our baking skills to the test.
He nailed it! baking festival, translated into Spanish as “Niquelao! Destartalado” is now available to download on iOS and Android vía the Google plus Play Store and is completely free to play as a Netflix subscriber.
Google plus Play | He nailed it! Baking Bash (Niquelao! Ramshackle)