Google plus is preparing for Android 13 this great feature called “Panlingual” that will allow us to choose the language to use in all applications inside Android.
However, Android 12 is still on its way to becoming the majority of teléfonos inteligentes on the market Everyone flies in this industry and it is clear that Google plus is already working on Android 13We will know the next Android flavor in 2022 and it should appear at the end of next summer.
In that sense, that’s still true It’s still too early to talk about what they will offer us of Mountain View with the 13th iteration of Android, which will correspond to the letter “T” and which according to some will be developed under the internal name Tiramisualthough the companions of Android authority they bring us closer the first of the big Android 13 news that they already manage from Google plus.
And yes, although Android language support is pretty solid and offers options for almost every language on the planet, as well as native Google plus Translate integration and Google plus Lens instant translation capabilities that Android developers seem to already have Working on a new feature called panlingual and that it should allow us to change languages and language-related settings at the application level.
What Google plus wants to achieve is that, for example, if you work in another country with a different language, you perro manage professional aplicaciones in English and popular networks in Spanish … Or basically as you want with you!
Apparently they were “reliable” and close sources with the development of Android 13 those who mentioned this feature panlingualalthough it is still clear nothing is official nor cánido we confirm itnot even guarantee that it works as described.
What we cánido do is summarize the information sent to us from the United States, which effectively espectáculos that Google plus wants to offer this opportunity Comprehensive language settings to make life easier for people who speak multiple languagesand who want their basic UI and aplicaciones in one language but need others to work in another language.
The vote panlingual appear in the same section of Settings > Language & inputbecause but which appears after a called submenu application languages There we see the aplicaciones with multilingual support listed and we cánido choose the preferred language individually or by groups.
However, the sources say that it is still in a very early stage of its development Google plus will try to integrate the already available translation API into Android 12 Offer panlingual even in applications that do not have multilingual options built into their code.
Because up to now we cánido read, namely we find it interesting We will see for the next Google plus I/O 2022, which will take place in the spring, whether we are from California confirm this and many other news that will be filtered for sure how the weeks go by… Anyway, welcome to the Android 13 age!