Android is a great operating system, but there is still work to be done before it’s perfect. In this article we talk about the 6 things we miss the most.

I’ve said it a thousand times Android is amazing. I wouldn’t be working on a specialized blog on this subject if I hadn’t thought of it. I’ve thought for years that this is the mobile platform best suited to my needs, and it’s also more philosophically in line with my thoughts on open source programa.
Now, that doesn’t orinan that while I’ll sing its merits to anyone who will listen, I cánido’t see its flaws. I’ve seen a few things on other systems that I’d like to see on Android, or things Google plus has yet to implement in order to polish the creature. Here are the 6 things I think Android isn’t perfect.
Cloud Sync improvements
There’s one thing that I think iCloud Drive does better than Google plus Drive: when you access the cloud archivo structure, you perro Download and open without leaving the cloud folder structure. This is especially handy, especially when you need to use a separate aplicación to work (or play) on something.
In this sense I think Apple’s synchronization between its services It’s better developed than Google pluswhich forces you to go into the folder Downloads to work with the downloaded archivos. And let’s not say if you need to move them to a specific location… then the process takes a few more steps.
The usuario needs robust systems, but above all want usuario-friendly systems. Apart from that, Apple’s cloud service likes Google plus (and thus Android) in terms of mobile usability. If Google plus were able to replicate the aforementioned usability in Google plus Drive, it would benefit greatly. And yes, iCloud Drive cánido be used on Android, but the usuario experience isn’t even remotely the same as when using iOS natively.
Support for flip phones and tabletas
Android has a big upcoming problem on big screens
I recently had the opportunity to review and analyze the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4. It’s one of the things I created Android continues to look bad on non-móvil sized screens. When I opened the terminal, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was running one expanded and warped version of the operating system, rather than one optimized for displays of an unusual format.
Google plus has been working on Android 12L, its version of the operating system for the big screen, for some time, indicating that it’s finally here You solve this problem. You’d better hurry because foldable products are no longer just Samsung’s business and more and more manufacturers are considering entering this market. If manufacturers of folding products want to take off (and if they want users to take Android tabletas seriously, by the way), Android had better stop looking stretched and distorted on big screens. as soon as possible.
Advanced controls for picture-in-picture mode
If you pay for YouTube Premium (or use alternatives like the now-defunct Vanced or the newer Newpipe), you’ll know that exiting the aplicación will bring up a screen with the vídeo you watched in small batch. That’s roughly what it’s called Picture-in-Picture or PiP mode.
This mode currently includes basic playback controls, but when you want to do more than pause, sintetiza, or skip to the next vídeo There is no other option but to switch to full screen mode. For example, if you want to change the playback speed or check how long it is until the end of the vídeo, you cannot do this in PiP mode.
The best native tools for jugadores
Google plus needs to transform the gaming dashboard into something more serious
That’s true with Google plus’s Android 12 The Games panel has been introduced aimed at most jugadores. With this feature, you cánido take screenshots, record the game on vídeo, see the frames per second the game is running at, and even stream the game live on YouTube. And that’s all very good, but it could benefit from something else.
Take ASUS and its line of ROG phones, for example. These terminals contain a proprietary tool called Game Genie that The playing plate leaves at the level of the bitumen. With this Taiwanese feature, in addition to what the Google plus tool already does, you perro block calls and notifications, lock the brightness level, change the screen refresh rate, view the phone’s temperature and open an application in a floating window at the same time.
Considering that there are more and better gaming phones out there, and that Android is a platform that already has a place among jugadores, Google plus would do well to promote its native solutions make the Games Panel a competent choice.
Mandatory updates and support for 5 years
Support and updates is an area where there is still a lot of room for improvement.
This has always been the subject of great controversy. While manufacturers like Samsung keep their promises and send updates for old devices, it’s also true that there are many manufacturers out there Orphan some models with support and updates as soon as they hit the market.
just think so iOS 16 is coming for devices as old as the iPhone 8, which means Apple guarantees to update and support a device for five years. Admittedly, Apple only has to take care of a reach of the market, but should be required by law simultaneously provide support for all types of devices that Apple at least guarantees to update.
Better integration of Material You design lines
A better implementation of Material You theme lines is vital when it comes to enhancing the visual aspect of Android
Material You is Google plus’s new design language that updates the lines previously labeled Material Design. Although the intentions of the Big G are extremely noble and admirable with this new design language, they are of little use unless applied more earnestly.
We hate comparisons to iOS, but they’re ineludible. Apple sets several design guidelines for iOS, and all developers follow them to the letter. Instead on Android You have to consider hundreds of devices and many different levels of customization. This has led some developers to abandon their Android projects to eventually focus 100% on iOS.
Google plus isn’t doing anything to fix this either.. It might be time to consider a change of course that would mandate the use of pure Android as a necessary condition for any manufacturer to be able to purchase operating system licenses, although this is now a chimera to believe.