Enable or disable the Xiaomi memory expansion feature. We explain what it is and why it’s a good iniciativa to do it.
With the annual increase in the number of users using teléfonos inteligentes for all kinds of tasks, manufacturers had to improve their features. With this increase, they managed to even make our small pocket devices look like computers or use them as computers.
The problem of ever increasing performance and ever heavier applications comes with RAM management. We always need more RAM to open and maintain applications on Android.
For this reason, Xiaomi activated a new functionality back then Memory expansion to make more RAM available in our devices.
What is Xiaomi memory expansion?
Just like computers Some create additional virtual memory to use at peak times. We call this virtual memory. It is based on using part of the hard disk space as flash memory (RAM).
That’s what mobile phone manufacturers wanted at the time, too, so they invented virtual memory expansion. Not wanting to be left behind, Xiaomi did the same in this case and, Since MIUI 12.5, this functionality has been included in some of its teléfonos inteligentes.
How to enable storage expansion on Xiaomi
Enabling storage expansion on Xiaomi shouldn’t be anything special. We find it in the additional settings in our Xiaomi system:
- We open the settings menu on our Xiaomi móvil.
- We go down in the settings menu until we find additional settings.
- Once inside, let’s go down until we find Memory Extension or Memory Extension.
- If we activate it, the system will have to be restarted, adding 3 GB of RAM to our additional system if possible.
The next time we want to disable the function, we have to restart the phone again.
Note: Feature only available on some devices including MIUI 12.5.
Why enable Memory Extension on our móvil inteligente
Although it’s true that nowadays we generally won’t have any problems with our teléfonos inteligentes and we shouldn’t have any problem with RAM either, It might be a good iniciativa to enable the memory expansion feature a priori.
Enabling the function helps to better manage the RAM memory in our device and also speeds up the operating system, allowing applications to run more fluidly on our mobile.
Why not enable Memory Extension on our móvil inteligente
While it is true that activating this function in our device may be necessary, especially if we have a device that does not have a lot of RAM memory. may slow down vídeo games.
By using the memory and not the RAM, the applications that use the RAM tend to run smoother, allowing us to run them better. On the contrary when we run a game in mass storage, since it is not that fast, the games do not run as smoothly.
In short, if we have a mobile that we are not going to play a lot with and we have a lot of memory, we strongly recommend activating this function to help our terminal. Otherwise, it’s best to leave it disabled.