We had already seen rumors about Android R a few weeks ago, but today The guys at Google plus have lost the Android 11 Developer Preview website almost a month earlier than expected, and probably accidentally while they were working on the changes.
Indeed, so they tell us i Police Android the correo is here again Remove references to Android 11 and redirect all traffic to the Android 10 version on the developer’s website. Fortunately, the Internet has not forgottenand here we have the arrests for the strangest person in town.
Right from the start everything was like a blip by the Mountain View giant, and that is The backlinks were not up to date and neither was the list of changesSo we don’t know much about the innovations that the next version of the Android operating system will implement.
Anyhow, it is confirmed that it is Google plus is already working on the first beta of Android 11 and we’ll see it soon, probably on the same dates as last year and the usual goals equipo by the people of California. if you are curious Here we leave the catch to you already saved for the future:
Next March, of course, we will officially get to know Android R with all its details with patience now this is just a google plus gaffe not too important. Are you as impatient as we are?
on Andro4all | “R” like “rumors”: With the appearance of Android R on the Google plus Pixel 4, the wheel starts turning again