Google plus Material Design created with “real” materials in this addictive vídeo

Along with Android 12, Google plus introduced the a major overhaul of the Material design language since it was announced in 2015 in the hands of Android 5 Lollipop. This overhaul became increasingly evident over the months until it became the default theme for most Google plus services and platforms.
take advantage of that You are important year, Google plus has highlighted a number of Google plus Design popular networks through its popular networks vídeos and experiments which espectáculos us the design language of Google plus differently than usual. Behind one of the most impressive is the designer Nando Costawhich is required together with Someform Studio and Zelig Sound Espectáculo us content that you have interpreted with physical elements three addictive vídeos that last just under two minutes.
Interpretation of content You use physical elements
The team behind the creation of this experiment put a lot of effort into it Some elements of the content bring you into the “real world”, giving them shape and depth to turn them into physical elements. During the vídeo some of them will be highlighted Common content you interfaz functions such as switches, widgets, controls or fonts.
I am happy to share this animated collage @GoogleDesign Experiments inspired by #content designand created in collaboration with @someformstudio and @zeligsound.
—#DesignLanguage #design system #UX #C4D— Nando Costa (@nandocosta_art) August 30, 2022
Aside from the eye-catching vídeo, this design team’s interpretation doesn’t hint at the future of Android or Google plus’s design language. Rather it is a design exercise what to display what material design would look like in a real environmentwith physical elements, shadows and physics.