WhatsApp Agregado was one of the most habitual applications at the time due to the many features it offered. But what happened to her?
Back in 2014, WhatsApp agregado, also known as the blue WhatsApp, is one of the most famous applications used by users of the leading global messaging aplicación. Thanks to her it was possible Make the most of WhatsApp’s capabilities and even enjoy features not available in the aplicación by default.
However, the fact that a group of independent developers managed to make WhatsApp a more complete aplicación than Fb itself did not please the company, and in the end it failed to avoid using it Blocking the accounts that were their users Caught vía WhatsApp Agregado.
Four years have passed since then. What happened to WhatsApp Agregado? Times have changed and while Android continues to stand out from the other mobile platforms due to its customization capabilities, WhatsApp Agregado is one of the few tools that hasn’t found its nicheand in recent years the aplicación has been kept secret.
However, a fácil Google plus search makes it abundantly clear that usuario interest in WhatsApp Agregado is still as high as it was four years ago, if not higher. But, Perro WhatsApp Agregado be downloaded for Android yet? And if so, what are the benefits and dangers? We’ll get over it.
Let’s start at the beginning: What is – or was – WhatsApp Agregado
Was that Spanish-born developer Rafalense with the goal of making WhatsApp a better place, took the original aplicación and started tweaking it with additions, custom options, and various features It didn’t take long before thousands of users found utility and left the official application aside to switch to this alternative. Thus WhatsApp Agregado was born.
Over time, more features were added, such as the ability to create full copia de seguridad copies of the aplicaciónchange the quality of the broadcast multimedia content and most importantly Change the appearance of the aplicación with custom themes. It was this last feature that created a huge community around WhatsApp Agregado ever since Anyone could create their own themes to personalize and share the world’s most used messaging application.
Themes were the most appreciated feature by WhatsApp Agregado users. Anyone could change the look of the aplicación as they wished and create their own themes to share with others.
But 2015 came, and then WhatsApp started banning the accounts of users who were using WhatsApp Agregado or some other option. Initially, the suspensions were temporary, leaving users without access for 24 hours. Later they started the ban continuous. And while WhatsApp Agregado developers have tried to introduce tools to avoid account bans, The pressure from the company ended with users fearing losing their WhatsApp Agregado account, first with the departure of Rafalense and then with the arrival of alternatives. In January 2015, WhatsApp Agregado announced its permanent closure.
However, his journey did not end there. Over the years, Developers and malicious users have taken advantage of WhatsApp Agregado’ popularity to try to replace the famous aplicaciónand thus trick users into obtaining sensitive data.
So be it today Some of the features of WhatsApp Agregado were inherited from Agregado Messenger, Rafalense project which, like WhatsApp Agregado back then, is an alternative full of features and functions to Telegram, an application that, on the other hand, is much more advantageous for independent developers who aim to improve usuario experience.
Download Agregado Messenger on Google plus Play
GBWhatsApp and OGWhatsApp, the rebirth of WhatsApp Agregado
After the quoted “disappearance” since the aplicación’s APK archivos actually carried on the WhatsApp Agregado network, other developers tried to emulate Rafalense’s moves by creating their own alternatives to the messaging aplicación. Among all, only two stood out: OGWhatsApp and GBWhatsApp.
The first of these had a relatively short lifespan and were mainly used by those who needed them have two WhatsApp accounts on the same device. It also enabled themes support, a higher character limit for states, and more. Today the developer OGMods focuses on the the development of alternatives to applications such as YouTube or Instagram.
on the second place GBWhatsApp might be the best aplicación that has kept the essence of WhatsApp Agregadoand today it perro still be downloaded and used –always remember that WhatsApp cánido block the account of those who do so– and the team responsible for its development is still at the bottom of the ravine, adding features and trying to break the radar of not to notice Fb. All functions of the aplicación as well as new versions of the aplicación are published regularly on the official telegram channel of the applicationwhich today has more than 5,500 members.
Is it worth downloading WhatsApp Agregado or one of its alternatives? Cánido you ban me?
In the past probably yes. Not today, so much. WhatsApp isn’t the incredibly fácil application it was a few years ago, and while some of the latest built-in features aren’t exactly what users have wanted for years – look at the status or the stickers – the Fb aplicación is Platform what everyone could need to communicate with their loved ones, friends and family.
It’s true that We see some advantages in using alternatives like WhatsApp Agregado, among the customization options and unlimited modifications of the aplicación or the new features that the original aplicación could never reach. But you also have to take that into account the disadvantagesand the fact is that WhatsApp could block our account at any time, which would prevent us from using the application again with the phone number associated with our profile, as indicated in Official WhatsApp Support Center.
If you use WhatsApp Agregado or any of its alternatives, you risk having your account permanently banned from WhatsApp.
And yes, it’s true that it’s possible to recover a suspended WhatsApp account, but WhatsApp perro refuse to give it back to you if it thinks you intend to use this type of application again.
So if you want to keep calm and don’t mind using WhatsApp the way you like Fb, the best way is to download WhatsApp like the millions of users who use the aplicación every day. On the other hand, if you are aware of the risks and dangers of installing an unofficial alternative aplicación, and also You miss the days of WhatsApp Agregado and all of its features, GBWhatsApp It’s your only choice…while it lasts.
In any case, you must take into account where you perro download WhatsApp Agregado, OGWhatsApp, TM WhatsApp or any other option as they expand in many cases fake versions Aplicaciones that aim to steal sensitive data or take complete control of users’ devices.