Here are the most destacable features Android 13 will bring.

While Android 12 is still reaching the vast majority of teléfonos inteligentes on the market and Android 12L has just released its first beta, we are already receiving the first information about the new version of Google plus’s mobile operating system: Android 13 or Android T is being received internally. codenamed “tiramisu”.
In this sense, Thanks to the guys at XDA-Developersnow we just met 4 of the exclusive new features of Android 13which we will address below.
New lock screen clock theme
The first of the Android 13 leaked features is a new lock screen clock design, as this clock is currently included in Android 12 It is displayed in two lines except when there is no adsince when advertising comes, this design becomes a single line.
But in Android 13, as you perro see in the screenshots that we leave you in these lines, you perro configure the green screen clock to be always espectáculo single line.
“Panlingual”: Select the language of all applications
One of the big news of Android 13 will be a new feature called “Panlingual” that we talked about recently, with which you Choose a separate language for each applicationbecause previously you could only change the language of all applications together.
As you cánido see in the screenshots that we leave you in these lines, you must access this new feature in Android 13 to activate it a new option called Aplicación Languageslocated in the following path: Settings-System-Languages and input.
Execute Permission for Ads
All applications that you install on your Android phone cánido send notifications, and if you want to limit the number of notifications that you receive per day, you perro do that. equipo their priority or disable them entirely for a specific application.
Now, Google plus wants to go one step further in this area, as Android 13 will add a new execution permission for ads, so that You perro choose whether or not to allow an application to send notifications to your devicesame way you do it with other permissions like accessing the website or camera.
TARE: Android resource economy
Finally, with Android 13 there will also be a new feature called TARE, which stands for “The Android Resource Economy”, which will be responsible for managing the energy consumption on the device vía the policies of AlarmManager and JobScheduler.
This means Google plus will add a layer of this starting with Android 13 Limits on the number of tasks an application cánido schedule vía JobScheduler and AlarmManager dependent on battery level and application requirements.