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Answer questions about Android on Twitter with the hashtag #AndroidHelp

Android already has official support via Twitter, yes it's a bit messy

From today, Your doubts about everything related to Android Google plus itself will answer them. And all you need is a Twitter account.

At least this was confirmed by the company itself by a mensaje de Twitter published in the official android profile, in case of this arrival auxiliary service free and in real time.

But like any move of this nature made through a public platform like Twitter, and to no one’s surprise, Official Android support is now a mess Questions like when will Android 10 come to my phone (which by the way Google plus hasn’t answered yet) and many other questions that are too specific.

Here’s how to solve your doubts about Android vía Twitter

As noted in mensaje de Twitterall who want Get help with something directly related to Android –probably won’t answer questions about specific devices–, enough along with mensaje de Twitter with the suspicion of the hashtag #AndroidHelp.

As at the time of publication of this article Google plus has not yet responded to doubts or questions from Twitter users, the details of this support service are unknown. However, it must be assumed that the company will answer questions in most languages, not just English, as it does with the support services for its other products.

Also, it is pertinent to remember that for years Google plus has an official help and support page for Androidwhere you cánido find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the operating system.
