This is how we perro minimize the size of our vídeos on Telegram
That’s no secret Telegram has great features It makes our life easier and makes us wonder why WhatsApp is more habitual than Telegram and so many differences between one application and another. The fact is that one of these functions is that we perro disminuye the weight of the vídeos directly in the application, thus saving valuable space on our mobile.
This is how vídeo compression works in Telegram
We know that In general, vídeos are the archivos that take up the most storage space on our mobile phone. A high definition vídeo perro consume several GB of our storage space, but we always have the option to compress these vídeos and disminuye their size accordingly.
Telegram compression works in the same way, as we perro find specific applications for this task, and that is, reducing the weight of the vídeo is also its quality is reduced. Although unlike WhatsApp where the quality of the vídeo is compromised without consulting us; In Telegram, the aplicación asks us how much we want to disminuye its quality. Depending on the quality of the vídeo, we need to compress different amounts.
How to Compress Vídeos on Telegram: Steps You Must Follow
If you know your vídeo’s resolution will be compromised but you still want to compress it, just do the following:
- Entrar the aplicación telegram.
- Press the three lines top left to access Telegram menu.
- If you are there, go to safe newsto send the vídeo to yourself.
- On this screen you need to press clip icon what is below
- Find the vídeo in your mobile gallery and clic on it, not the circle. This step is important because clicking on the circle gives you the option to coche-send without going through the compression.
- Open now nut icon.
- At the end, Move the blue line until you lose as much weight as you want.
Above You cánido see the resolution and weight which the vídeo is retained after compression.