The iPhone 13 is also conquering China.

There is no doubt that the iPhone 13 and its different versions will be the phones of the year. After the “disappointment” of its predecessor This new terminal is packed with new features that will appeal to anyone who has bitten the apple.. Such is the success of the Cupertino terminal that it has been extremely successful even in markets that have not seen large sales. Of course, we are not talking about the United States, but about a completely different country, China.
China has never been a country where Apple sells large numbers. Since the beginning of the year, however, things are changing enough for analysts to recognize Apple has grown excessively in the Asian country. Of course, the iPhone 13 had to come for China to definitely give in to the bitten apple.
Apple leads China thanks to its iPhone 13
How cánido we read in Gizchina, Apple is making a hit with the iPhone 13. Not only in markets where it has often been strong, but also in territories like China, a market that, by the way, has always been dominated by Huawei.
And although Apple has done nothing wrong this year, it is true that sales of its terminals fell significantly in August. Of course, it wasn’t because Chinese consumers were fed up with bitten apple products. but because they were simply waiting for the iPhone 13.
According to habitual analysts, reservations for the iPhone 13 in China are so high that the main Chinese resellers in China ran out of depósito an hour after the reservations opened. The numbers could top five million iPhone 13s in the Asian country.
Apple’s success could be due to several factors. On the one hand there is the chip crisis, which affects many companies and especially Huawei. On the other hand, it is also important to highlight the fall in prices of Apple products.
Secure, Tim Cook’s company seems incompatible with its new product, the iPhone 13 And this year they seem to have hit the nail on the head when it comes to making their teléfonos inteligentes. And it is clear that in a few months we will read news about how the iPhone 13 breaks all records … unfortunately for other brands.