No wonder… Android tabletas continue to lose momentum!
It’s been a while The pills have lost yesterday’s benefitalthough the truth is that the Apple iPad market continues thanks to him Magic keyboardto the Apple Pencil and especially to the Great programa integration they always come in cupertino.
Our case is diametrically opposite, since There hasn’t been a reference tablet for Android since the days of Honeycomb and the Nexus 10, and with Samsung and its Galaxy Tab S leading the way, few manufacturers have been motivated to launch new tabletas that improve further declining sales figures.
This fact might at least partially explain why it is so for the first time in 10 years Apple tabletas are a star i more than 50% of sales worldwideManaged to sign the Cupertino more than 5 out of 10 devices of this type activated around the world and Let Android under 50% market share. and with a lot of room for improvement.
Not for nothing, It seems Google plus agrees that Android needs improvement after presenting news of Android 12L for big screens, and from Samsung they have already confirmed it Your Galaxy Tab S will continue to be updated with yearly iterations continues to mark the top of the range in Android.
Our classmates told us the news. dispositivo now On the trail of the latest study Strategy AnalystExpanding the details of a market that has grown slightly since the pandemicbut it will definitely fall again in this second half of 2022 drawn through geopolitical crises, inflation and lower confidence from an impending economic crisis.
Strategy Analytics experts say consumers have average purchases and preferences next to tabletas with detachable keyboards over laptopsbecause they offer enough flexibility to do small jobs and then act as multimedia devices at home.
Nevertheless, Apple’s shipments of its iPads fell 7% year over year up to 14.8 million units in Q2 2022, with Samsung signs huge losses of up to 13% For 2021 sales figures, shipments have been reduced to 7.1 million Galaxy Tabs.
The podium was closed Lenovo is again in third place in that of the tabletas, in his case with even higher losses of 25% year-over-yearSales of about 3.5 million units of Android tabletas.
Tabletas now have a more limited market and Conclusions of the report They are very clear about:
Demand for Android tabletas did not fare as well as the global market as all other operating systems fell 15%. Apple enjoys a more loyal customer base than Android, but supply issues prevented it from encuentro higher demand in the quarter, which fell by as much as 7%.