Starting today, images and vídeos you upload to Google plus Photos count toward your 15GB of storage. There is unlimited free space.

The day many had dreaded had finally come: As of today, the free unlimited high quality storage mode of Google plus Photos is no longer availableand all those who use the application on their mobile phones, they will see how the new images and vídeos have been uploaded to the cloud from June 1st. Start counting on the 15GB of storage which Google plus offers free with every account created.
The move in question was announced last November, and since then Google plus has been hoping it will be achieved through measures and tools designed to empower users Find an alternative to Google plus Photosor continue using the tool vía a paid subscription from Google plus One. Now is the time to make a decision about that do: whether you want to stay in Google plus Photos or leave it and use another option.
How is the change affecting you?
If you’re a Google plus Photos usuario and don’t have a Google plus One subscription — as the vast majority of users of the aplicación do — you’re one of those Main effect of this change.
And that’s from today Free limited storage mode is no longer available in high quality your photos and vídeos. In its place, Google plus has inserted a method called “Space Saver”, which is almost the same as what was previously called “High Quality”: a saving method with slight compression of the imageswhereby they lose quality to take up less space.
So if you choose the If you back up your photos and vídeos in high quality or in space-saving mode, you have 15 GB of storage space — or less, depending on how much storage you’ve taken up on other services like Google plus Drive or Gmail —.
What are your options?
First of all, the most important thing is to check how much space you have left in Google plus Photos to keep storing photos and vídeos. You perro also see one thanks to the tool powered by Google plus Estimate the time it would take to staff your entire store.
You cánido also use the new tool to free up space in Google plus Photos, which is totally free and available to everyone and perro be deleted Photos and vídeos that are too large, remove blurry photos or clean up screenshots that has held you over time.
On the other hand, keep in mind that if you have a Google plus Pixel, some of the benefits of Google plus Photos will remain for a while. Unfortunately, if you have another device, you will have to make a different choice when looking for. to Google plus Photos.
In this sense, Amazon Photos has become one of the favorite options for many Google plus Photos users who have decided to quit the Google plus tool. One of the advantages is the possibility Enjoy unlimited free storage if you are an Amazon Prime subscriber. If you escoge to make the switch, remember that you cánido easily transfer all your photos from Google plus Photos to Amazon Photos.